:: com :: sun :: star :: script :: vba ::

unpublished constants group VBAScriptEventId
Usage Restrictions
not published
Identifies a VBA script event fired via broadcastVBAScriptEvent, and received by XVBAScriptListener::notifyVBAScriptEvent.
See also
VBAScriptEvent, XVBACompatibility, XVBAScriptListener

SCRIPT_STARTED This event is fired when a VBA script in the current document has been started.  
SCRIPT_STOPPED This event is fired when a VBA script in the current document stops running.  
INITIALIZE_USERFORM This event is fired when a VBA script in the current document tries to instanciate a userform.  
Constants' Details
const long SCRIPT_STARTED = 0;
This event is fired when a VBA script in the current document has been started.

Several scripts may run simultaneously, e.g. when a running script triggers a document event that starts another script.

The number of running scripts can be obtained via XVBACompatibility::RunningVBAScripts. The number returned there will already contain the new script notified with this event.

The member VBAScriptEvent::ModuleName of the event object will contain the name of the code module that contains the started script.

const long SCRIPT_STOPPED = 1;
This event is fired when a VBA script in the current document stops running.

Several scripts may run simultaneously, e.g. when a running script triggers a document event that starts another script.

The number of scripts still running can be obtained via XVBACompatibility::RunningVBAScripts. The number returned there will not contain the stopped script notified with this event anymore.

The member VBAScriptEvent::ModuleName of the event object will contain the name of the code module that contains the script that has been stopped.

This event is fired when a VBA script in the current document tries to instanciate a userform.

The member VBAScriptEvent::ModuleName of the event object will contain the name of the userform module.

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