:: com :: sun :: star :: script :: provider ::

unpublished service ScriptURIHelper
Supported Interface
Usage Restrictions
not published
This service is used to help transform Scripting Framework storage locations to Scripting Framework script URIs and vice versa.

Constructors' Summary
create create a new ScriptURIHelper  
Constructors' Details
create( [in] string  language,
[in] string  location )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

create a new ScriptURIHelper
Parameter language
The name of the scripting language for which this ScriptURIHelper is being created. It should be the same as the language name used for the service that inherits from the LanguageScriptProvider service
Parameter location
This location which was passed to the LanguageScriptProvider by the Scripting Framework on its creation

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