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struct InvocationInfo
This struct is used to specify information about object members (methods or properties) accessed via XInvocation, such as names, types, or parameters.

Elements' Summary
aName Name of the method or property.  
eMemberType Kind of the member (method or property).  
PropertyAttribute Only for property members: This field may contain zero or more constants of the ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute constants group. It is not guaranteed that all necessary constants are set to describe the property completely, but a flag will only be set, if the corresponding charac- teristic really exists. Example: If the READONLY flag is set, the property is readonly. If it isn't set, the property nevertheless can be readonly. For methods this field is irrelevant and is set to 0.  
aType Type of the member, for methods the return type  
aParamTypes Types method parameters, for properties this sequence is empty  
aParamModes Mode of method parameters (IN, OUT, INOUT), for properties this sequence is empty.  
Elements' Details
string aName;
Name of the method or property.
MemberType eMemberType;
Kind of the member (method or property).
short PropertyAttribute;
Only for property members: This field may contain zero or more constants of the ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyAttribute constants group. It is not guaranteed that all necessary constants are set to describe the property completely, but a flag will only be set, if the corresponding charac- teristic really exists. Example: If the READONLY flag is set, the property is readonly. If it isn't set, the property nevertheless can be readonly. For methods this field is irrelevant and is set to 0.
type aType;
Type of the member, for methods the return type
sequence< type > aParamTypes;
Types method parameters, for properties this sequence is empty
sequence< ::com::sun::star::reflection::ParamMode > aParamModes;
Mode of method parameters (IN, OUT, INOUT), for properties this sequence is empty.
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