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unpublished service DocumentDialogLibraryContainer
Supported Interface
Usage Restrictions
not published
defines a container of dialog libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage.
OOo 2.3

Constructors' Summary
create creates an instance of the DocumentDialogLibraryContainer, belonging to a document  
Constructors' Details
create( [in] ::com::sun::star::document::XStorageBasedDocument  Document )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

creates an instance of the DocumentDialogLibraryContainer, belonging to a document

The current storage of the document will be set as initial root storage (see XPersistentLibraryContainer::RootStorage) of the container.

Usually, you will only create a DocumentDialogLibraryContainer within the implementation of the document to which the container should belong.

Parameter Document
The document to which the container should belong to. Must not be NULL.
::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException if Document does not denote a valid ::com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument.

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