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service Converter
This service provides a widening converter converting from one type to another, if possible.

What is possible?

  • byte: byte, (short *1), (long *1), (hyper *1), (float *1), (double *1), (enum *2), (any *3), boolean, (char *4), (string *5)
  • short: byte, short, (long *1), (hyper *1), (float *7), (double *7), (enum *2), (any *3), boolean, char, (string *5)
  • long: byte, short, long, (hyper *1), (float *7), (double *7), enum, (any *3), boolean, char, (string *5)
  • hyper: byte, short, long, hyper, (float *7), (double *7), enum, (any *3), boolean, char, (string *5)
  • float: byte, short, long, hyper, float, (double *7), (enum *8), (any *3), boolean, char, (string *5)
  • double: byte, short, long, hyper, float, double, enum, (any *3), boolean, char, (string *5)
  • enum: (byte *9), (short *9), (long *9), (hyper *9), (float *9), (double *9), (enum *10), (any *3), (string *11)
  • void: ok for all types
  • any: ok for all types
  • boolean: byte, short, long, hyper, float, double, (any *3), boolean, char, (string *12). 0 => false, != 0 => true
  • char: byte, short, (long *1), (hyper *1), (float *7), (double *7), enum, (any *3), boolean, char, (string *13)
  • string: byte, short, long, hyper, float, double, enum, (any *3), boolean, char, string
  • struct: (any *3), (struct *14)
  • interface: (any *3), (struct *14)
  • exception: (any *3), (exception *14)
  • union: (any *3), (union *14)
  • sequence: (any *3), (sequence *15)
  • 1: only converts if the value is in the range of the target type.
  • 2: only converts if the value, not the position, of the enum is in the range of the target type.
  • 3: get value until it is not an any. Then convert it with the other rules.
  • 4: only converts if the value of the character is between 0 - 255.
  • 5: only converts if the value represents a decimal, hexadecimal (0x...) or a floating point number. Examples: 10, 0x10, 10.045, 10,555, +10, +10.6e10, -10.6e-10, .16.
  • 7: only converts if the value is in the range of the target type. The value is rounded to an integer.
  • 8: only converts if the float can be converted back to the same enum value.
  • 9: only converts if the number is one of the enumeration type values. Normally you need reflection information of the enum type.
  • 10: only converts if it is the same enumeration type.
  • 11: only converts if the string contains the name of an enumeration type value. Normally you need core reflection information of the enum type.
  • 12: only converts if the value of the string is "1", "true" or "0", "false". The comparision is case insensitive.
  • 13: only converts if the length of the string is 1 or 0.
  • 14: only converts if the types are equal or the source type is derived from the destination type.
  • 15: only converts if each element of the source sequence can be converted to an element of the destination sequence.
Developers Guide
AdvUNO - UNO Reflection API

Exported Interfaces - Summary

Conversion interface.

Exported Interfaces - Details
Conversion interface.

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