:: com :: sun :: star :: reflection ::

interface XTypeDescriptionEnumerationAccess
Defines an interface for creating enumerations for type descriptions.
OOo 1.1.2

Methods' Summary
createTypeDescriptionEnumeration Creates an enumeration for type descriptions.  
Methods' Details
createTypeDescriptionEnumeration( [in] string  moduleName,
[in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass >  types,
[in] TypeDescriptionSearchDepth  depth )
raises( NoSuchTypeNameException,
InvalidTypeNameException );

Creates an enumeration for type descriptions.

An enumeration is always created for an UNOIDL module. The enumeration contents can be restricted by specifying type classes. Only types that match one of the supplied type classes will be part of the collection. Additionally, it is possible to specify the depth for the search within the underlying type description tree.

Parameter moduleName
contains the name of an UNOIDL module. Modules are seperated by a single '.' (i.e., "com.sun.star.reflection"). The root of the module hierarchy is specified with an empty string. Module names are always absolute, never relative.
Parameter types
restricts the contents of the enumeration. It will only contain type descriptions that match one of the supplied type classes. An empty sequence specifies that the enumeration shall contain all type descriptions.

Valid types classes are:

Parameter depth
specifies the depth of search in the underlying tree of type descriptions. Clients should be aware of the fact that specifiying TypeDescriptionSearchDepth::INFINITE can lead to larger delays when constructing or using the XTypeDescriptionEnumeration instance.
an enumeration of type descriptions.

The enumeration returns implementations of XTypeDescription. Following concrete UNOIDL parts represented by specialized interfaces derived from XTypeDescription can be returned by the enumerator:
enum XEnumTypeDescription
struct XCompoundTypeDescription (the returned object should actually implement XStructTypeDescription)
exception XCompoundTypeDescription
interface XInterfaceTypeDescription (the returned object should actually implement XInterfaceTypeDescription2)
service XServiceTypeDescription (the returned object should actually implement XServiceTypeDescription2)
singleton XSingletonTypeDescription (the returned object should actually implement XSingletonTypeDescription2)
module XModuleTypeDescription
typedef XIndirectTypeDescription
constant XConstantTypeDescription
constants XConstantsTypeDescription

NoSuchTypeNameException in case that the given module name does not exist. This exception will never be thrown in case moduleName is the empty string.
InvalidTypeNameException in case that the given module name does exist, but does not specify an UNOIDL module. This exception will never be thrown in case moduleName is the empty string.
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