:: com :: sun :: star :: mail ::

unpublished service MailMessage
Supported Interface
Usage Restrictions
not published
OOo 2.0

Constructors' Summary
create Constructs an instance of a mail message.  
createWithAttachment Constructs an instance of a mail message.  
Constructors' Details
create( [in] string  sTo,
[in] string  sFrom,
[in] string  sSubject,
[in] ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable  xBody );

Constructs an instance of a mail message.
Parameter sTo
[in] the e-mail address of the recipient. The e-mail address has to conform to RFC 822.
Parameter sFrom
[in] the e-mail address of the sender of this mail message. The e-mail address has to conform to RFC 822.
Parameter sSubject
[in] the subject of the mail message.
Parameter xBody
[in] the body of the mail message. It is expected that the transferable delivers the data as a string. Although a transferable may support multiple data flavors only the first data flavor supplied will be used to retrieve the data and it is expected that the data will be provided as a string.
See also
XMailMessage, ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable
createWithAttachment( [in] string  sTo,
[in] string  sFrom,
[in] string  sSubject,
[in] ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable  xBody,
[in] MailAttachment  aMailAttachment );

Constructs an instance of a mail message.
Parameter sTo
[in] the e-mail address of the recipient. The e-mail address has to conform to RFC 822.
Parameter sFrom
[in] the e-mail address of the sender of this mail message. The e-mail address has to conform to RFC 822.
Parameter sSubject
[in] the subject of the mail message.
Parameter xBody
[in] the body of the mail message. It is expected that the transferable delivers the data as a string. Although a transferable may support multiple data flavors only the first data flavor supplied will be used to retrieve the data and it is expected that the data will be provided as a string.
Parameter aMailAttachment
[in] specifies an attachment which should be send with this mail message.
See also
XMailMessage, ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable, MailAttachment

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