:: com :: sun :: star :: logging ::

unpublished interface XConsoleHandler
Base Interfaces
   ┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent

(referenced interface's summary:)
provides possibilites to send LogRecords to an arbitrary output channel.
Usage Restrictions
not published
implemented by a log handler whose output channel is the processes console.

Note that a console handler will ignore its formatter's head and tail, since it cannot decided whether they should be emitted on stdout or stderr.

OOo 2.3

Attributes' Summary
Threshold renotes the LogLevel threshold used to determine to which console the events should be logged.  
Attributes' Details
long Threshold;
renotes the LogLevel threshold used to determine to which console the events should be logged.

Events with a level greater or equal to Threshold will be logged to stderr, all others to stdout.

The default value for this attribute is LogLevel::SEVERE.

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