:: com :: sun :: star :: logging ::

unpublished service FileHandler
Supported Interface
Usage Restrictions
not published
specifies a component implementing a log handler whose output channel is a file.

The handler will use the Encoding attribute of XLogHandler to determine how to encode strings before actually writing them to the output file.

OOo 2.3
See also

Constructors' Summary
create creates a log handler whose output is directed to a file given by URL.  
createWithSettings creates an instance of the log handler, using generic settings  
Constructors' Details
create( [in] string  FileURL );

creates a log handler whose output is directed to a file given by URL.
Parameter FileURL
the URL of the file to be created. This URL is resolved using the ::com::sun::star::util::PathSubstitution service. That is, it is allowed to include placeholders such as $(userurl).
createWithSettings( [in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue >  Settings )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

creates an instance of the log handler, using generic settings
Parameter Settings
contains the initial settings for the log handler

The following settings are recognized and supported:

Additionally, a setting name FileURL is recognized. It must be of type string, and denotes the file URL to which the handler's output should be directed.

At least the URL argument must be present in the settings.

::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException if Settings contains settings whose value is of the wrong type.

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