:: com :: sun :: star :: linguistic2 ::

interface XHyphenator
Base Interfaces

(referenced interface's summary:)
Offers information about which languages are supported by the object.
provides functionality for hyphenation of single words.

Its three main functionalities are to provide a suitable position for breaking lines within a word, query about the existence of an alternative spelling at a specific position of a word and provide a list of possible hyphenation positions within a word.

A hyphenation position for a word with n characters is represented by a value in the range from 0 to n-2, indicating the position of the character after which the hyphenation is done. That is, it is after the first and before the last character.

A valid hyphenation position is a hyphenation position that fulfills all the restrictions implied by the properties MinLeading, MinTrailing and MinWordLength.

See also
LinguProperties, XSupportedLocales

Methods' Summary
hyphenate tries to find a valid hyphenation position relative to the beginning of a word.  
queryAlternativeSpelling checks whether hyphenation at a position in a word will result in an alternative spelling or not.  
createPossibleHyphens returns information about all possible hyphenation positions of a word.  
Methods' Details
hyphenate( [in] string  aWord,
[in] ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale  aLocale,
[in] short  nMaxLeading,
[in] ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValues  aProperties )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

tries to find a valid hyphenation position relative to the beginning of a word.

Note: Some languages, for example arabic, are written from right to left.

the XHyphenatedWord for the last valid hyphenation position that is less than or equal to nMaxLeading - 1. If there is no such valid hyphenation position, NULL is returned.
Parameter aWord
is the word to be hyphenated.
Parameter aLocale
defines the language to be used.

If the language is not supported, an IllegalArgumentException exception is raised.

Parameter nMaxLeading
specifies the maximum number of characters to remain before the hyphen in the hyphenated word.

It has to be greater than or equal to 0.

Parameter aProperties
provides property values to be used for this function call only. It is usually empty in order to use the default values supplied with the property set.
See also
XHyphenatedWord, ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale
queryAlternativeSpelling( [in] string  aWord,
[in] ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale  aLocale,
[in] short  nIndex,
[in] ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValues  aProperties )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

checks whether hyphenation at a position in a word will result in an alternative spelling or not.

An alternative spelling position is a hyphen position where, if hyphenation is done here, the writing of the word changes. Example: "Bäcker" in German pre spelling-reform becomes "Bäkker" if hyphenation is done after the "c".

The hyphenation position does not need to be a valid one to be an alternative spelling position.

the information about the alternative spelling found at the specified position. Otherwise, if no alternative spelling was found, NULL is returned.
Parameter aWord
is the original word to be looked at for having an alternative spelling, if hyphenation is done at position nIndex.
Parameter aLocale
specifies the language to be used.

If the language is not supported, an IllegalArgumentException exception is raised.

Parameter nIndex
is the position in the word to be looked at.

If the length of the word is n, the value of this parameter has to be in the range from 0 to n-2.

Parameter aProperties
provides property values to be used for this function call only. It is usually empty in order to use the default values supplied with the property set.
See also
XHyphenatedWord, ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale
createPossibleHyphens( [in] string  aWord,
[in] ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale  aLocale,
[in] ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValues  aProperties )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

returns information about all possible hyphenation positions of a word.
an XPossibleHyphens for the given word and language if there are any hyphenation positions. NULL otherwise.
Parameter aWord
is the word for which information about the possible hyphenation positions is to be retrieved.
Parameter aLocale
defines the language of the word.

If the language is not supported, an IllegalArgumentException exception is raised.

Parameter aProperties
provides property values to be used for this function call only. It is usually empty in order to use the default values supplied with the property set.
See also
XPossibleHyphens, ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale
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