:: com :: sun :: star :: linguistic2 ::

service HangulHanjaConversionDictionary
represents a dictionary for Hangul/Hanja text conversion.

A dictionary implementing this service will be used for Hangul/Hanja conversion. Therefore the locale of the dictionary has to be Korean, and the conversion type ConversionDictionaryType::HANGUL_HANJA.

Also for a pair (entry) to be added the left part has to be in Hangul and the right in Hanja, and the number of characters for the left part has to be the same as for the right part.

OOo 1.1.2

Included Services - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
represents a dictionary used in a conversion dictionary list.
Included Services - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
represents a dictionary used in a conversion dictionary list.

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