:: com :: sun :: star :: io ::

service ObjectOutputStream
is a stream which allows writing the data of persistent objects.

Implementations of this service must fulfill the specifications of the DataOutputStream service; futhermore, the stream needs to be chained to a XMarkableStream. Therefore, it also provides the XMarkableStream interface, but it delegates the calls to the chained object. The written objects are held until this instance is destroyed. The references to the objects are written as four-byte integers and begin at 1. Data format is written:

 short InfoLength
 long ObjectReference // 0 indicates no object
 UTF ServiceName // length of 0 indicates this is only a reference
 long ObjectLength // 0 if it is a reference or no object, otherwise the len of the object data
 Object ObjectData // the data of the object
  • -thread safe
  • -allow buffer size is 2 ^ 31 -1
  • -maximum object reference identifier is the number of objects.
  • -object reference identifier 0 indicates no object

Exported Interfaces - Summary

allows to write the data to the stream.


allows to set the underlying outputstream


allows to navigate via a chain of streams

Exported Interfaces - Details
allows to write the data to the stream.
allows to set the underlying outputstream
allows to navigate via a chain of streams

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