:: com :: sun :: star :: gallery ::

unpublished service GalleryThemeProvider
Usage Restrictions
not published
provides access to a container of GalleryThemes and makes it possible for you to manipulate them.
See also

Exported Interfaces - Summary

lets you access and create GalleryThemes


allows initializing the provider (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
lets you access and create GalleryThemes
allows initializing the provider

You do not need to call the initialize method directly, instead you may use the createInstanceWithArguments method of your ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory.

You specify a parameter by passing one (or more) ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue object(s) to the initialize method, where the Name field contains a string describing which aspect you want to affect, and the Value field containing a value.

Currently, there are no public properties available

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