:: com :: sun :: star :: frame ::

interface XModuleManager
can be used to identify office modules.
OOo 2.0

Methods' Summary
identify @short identifies the given module. @descr This identifier can then be used at the service ModuleManager to get more information about this module. For identification the interface ::com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo is requested on the given module. Because all module service registrations must be unique this value can be queried and checked against the configuration. Since OOo 2.3.0 also the optional interface XModule will be used. If its exists it will be preferred.  
Methods' Details
identify( [in] ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface  Module )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
UnknownModuleException );

@short identifies the given module. @descr This identifier can then be used at the service ModuleManager to get more information about this module. For identification the interface ::com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo is requested on the given module. Because all module service registrations must be unique this value can be queried and checked against the configuration. Since OOo 2.3.0 also the optional interface XModule will be used. If its exists it will be preferred.
Parameter Module
Possible objects for this parameter can be the following one:
  • XFrame
    A frame contains (against a component window) a controller. Such controller represent the module (in case no model exists).
  • XController
    A controller can be bound to a model. Then the model represent the module. If no model exists - the controller is used for identification.
  • XModel
    A model represent a module everytimes and can be used for identification directly.
::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the parameter Module is:
  • an empty one
  • or does not provide one of the needed interface XFrame, XControllerm, XModel
  • or does not provide the needed interface XServiceInfo.
UnknownModuleException if the given module could not be identified. Note: If the module represent a XFrame instance with does not contain a document, this exception is thrown too!
An identifier for the given module. Note: This value is valie everytimes. Error will be transported by thrown exceptions!
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