:: com :: sun :: star :: frame ::

service FrameLoader
derivations of this abstract service are used to load components into Frames of the environment

Concrete implementations of this service register, for example, for file name extensions or MIME types to load appropriate components. The components loaded are at least Controller. Instead of SynchronousFrameLoader this one use asynchronous processes to load the component.

See also
Developers Guide
OfficeDev - Integrating Import and Export Filters

Exported Interfaces - Summary

support asynchronous loading of the component


support initialization of loader with its own configuration! (details)


provides access to the internal name of this frame loader (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
support asynchronous loading of the component
Usage Restrictions
support initialization of loader with its own configuration!

Concrete implementations should use it to get her own configuration data directly after creation by the FrameLoaderFactory. Otherwhise they must use normal configuration api to do so.

Usage Restrictions
provides access to the internal name of this frame loader

The internal name is a part of his configuration and will be passed by the FrameLoaderFactory after creation if optional interface ::com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization is supported. Value of function ::com::sun::star::container::XNamed::getName() can be used on service FrameLoaderFactory to get further informations about this loader. Setting of this name by calling ::com::sun::star::container::XNamed::setName() must be forwarded to same factory service. He should decide, if it's allowed or not. The reason: prevent code against name ambigities.

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