:: com :: sun :: star :: frame ::

service DispatchRecorder
provides functionality to record XDispatch::dispatch() requests

It records all neccessary parameters of a call XDispatch::dispatch() and generate code which can be executed at later time to run same operations again. Which code will be generated depends from real implementation. So it's possible to generate e.g. Java/Basic or may Perl code. By using of a DispatchRecorderSupplier, which is available on a property of a Frame::DispatchRecorderSupplier, it's possible to change such code generation for further requests or disable it in general by setting this property to NULL.

OOo 1.1.2
See also
DispatchRecorderSupplier, Frame::RecorderSupplier

Exported Interfaces - Summary

provides the record functionality and access on the generated code


provides replacement capability of recorded statements

Exported Interfaces - Details
provides the record functionality and access on the generated code
provides replacement capability of recorded statements

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