:: com :: sun :: star :: embed ::

service InstanceLocker
Supported Interface
The main task of this service is to prevent closing, terminating and/or etc. of controlled object.

After creation the service adds a listener of requested type ( close, terminate and/or etc. ) to the controlled object and let the listener throw related veto exception until the service is disposed.

Constructors' Summary
InstanceLockerCtor1 is used to initialize the object on it's creation.  
InstanceLockerCtor2 is used to initialize the object on it's creation.  
Constructors' Details
InstanceLockerCtor1( [in] ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface  xInstance,
[in] long  nActions )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
::com::sun::star::uno::Exception );

is used to initialize the object on it's creation.
Parameter xInstance
the controlled object. Must implement the related to the requested actions broadcaster interface.
Parameter nActions
specifies the actions that should be done ( prevent closing, prevent termination and/or etc. ). It must not be empty and can currently contain following values or their combination: Actions::PREVENT_CLOSE and Actions::PREVENT_TERMINATION.
InstanceLockerCtor2( [in] ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface  xInstance,
[in] long  aActions,
[in] XActionsApproval  xApprove )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
::com::sun::star::uno::Exception );

is used to initialize the object on it's creation.
Parameter xInstance
the controlled object. Must implement the related to the requested actions broadcaster interface.
Parameter nActions
specifies the actions that should be done ( prevent closing, prevent termination and/or etc. ). It must not be empty and can currently contain following values or their combination: Actions::PREVENT_CLOSE and Actions::PREVENT_TERMINATION.
Parameter xApprove
The object implementing XActionsApproval interface. If this parameter is an empty reference the object will proceed with the specified in the first parameter action until it is disposed ( just like in the case of the first constructor ). If the instance is provided, it will be asked for approval each time before proceeding with the action ( the action is specified using ::string and can take following values in this case: "PreventClose", "PreventTermination" ).

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