:: com :: sun :: star :: drawing ::

interface XDrawPages
Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess
   ┗ ::com::sun::star::container::XElementAccess

(referenced interface's summary:)
provides access to the elements of a collection through an index.
gives access to a container of DrawPages or MasterPages.

The pages are stored in an index container. The order is determined by the index. You usualy get this interface if you use the XDrawPagesSupplier or the XMasterPagesSupplier at a model that contains DrawPages or MasterPages

Developers Guide
Drawings - Working with Drawing Documents - Page Handling

Methods' Summary
insertNewByIndex creates and inserts a new DrawPage or MasterPage into this container  
remove removes a DrawPage or MasterPage from this container.  
Methods' Details
insertNewByIndex( [in] long  nIndex );

creates and inserts a new DrawPage or MasterPage into this container
Parameter nIndex
the index at which the newly created DrawPage or MasterPage will be inserted.
the newly created and already inserted DrawPage or MasterPage.
remove( [in] XDrawPage  xPage );

removes a DrawPage or MasterPage from this container.
Parameter xPage
this DrawPage or MasterPage must be contained and will be removed from this container. It will also be disposed and shouldn't be used any further.
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