:: com :: sun :: star :: chart2 :: data ::

unpublished struct HighlightedRange
Usage Restrictions
not published

Elements' Summary
RangeRepresentation The range representation string of the highlighted range.  
Index Only take the cell at position Index out of the given Range. If this value is -1 take the whole sequence.  
PreferredColor Use this color for marking the range. This color may be ignored and replaced by a better fitting color, if it would be otherwise not well visible.  
AllowMerginigWithOtherRanges If the highlighted range is visually highlighted and this member is true, the range given in may be included in a merged range rectangle spanning a bigger range.  
Elements' Details
string RangeRepresentation;
The range representation string of the highlighted range.
long Index;
Only take the cell at position Index out of the given Range. If this value is -1 take the whole sequence.
long PreferredColor;
Use this color for marking the range. This color may be ignored and replaced by a better fitting color, if it would be otherwise not well visible.
boolean AllowMerginigWithOtherRanges;
If the highlighted range is visually highlighted and this member is true, the range given in may be included in a merged range rectangle spanning a bigger range.
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