:: com :: sun :: star :: chart2 ::

interface XRegressionCurveCalculator

Methods' Summary
recalculateRegression recalculates the parameters of the internal regression curve according to the x- and y-values given.  
getCurveValue calculates the value of the regression curve for x.  
getCurveValues calculate multiple points of a regression curve at once. Note that this method may optimize the output by returning less points, e.g. for a line you may get only two resulting points instead of nPointCount points. This is only allowed if the parameter bMaySkipPointsInCalculation is set to true.  
getCorrelationCoefficient Returns the value of the correlation coefficient for the given regression. This value is often denoted as r or R.  
getRepresentation Retrieve a string showing the regression curve's function with calculated parameters.  
getFormattedRepresentation Returns a representation using the given numnber format for formatting all numbers contained in the formula.  
Methods' Details
recalculateRegression( [in] sequence< double >  aXValues,
[in] sequence< double >  aYValues );

recalculates the parameters of the internal regression curve according to the x- and y-values given.
Parameter aXValues
All x-values that represent the measurement points on which the regression is based
Parameter aYValues
All y-values that represent the measurement points on which the regression is based
getCurveValue( [in] double  x )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

calculates the value of the regression curve for x.
Parameter x
The abscissa value for which the value of the regression curve should be calculated. All numbers that are part of the domain of the regression function are valid.
If x is element of the domain of the regression curve function, the result is its value.
com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException If x is not part of the domain of the regression function.
sequence< ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealPoint2D >
getCurveValues( [in] double  min,
[in] double  max,
[in] long  nPointCount,
[in] XScaling  xScalingX,
[in] XScaling  xScalingY,
[in] boolean  bMaySkipPointsInCalculation )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

calculate multiple points of a regression curve at once. Note that this method may optimize the output by returning less points, e.g. for a line you may get only two resulting points instead of nPointCount points. This is only allowed if the parameter bMaySkipPointsInCalculation is set to true.

It is important that a renderer takes the scalings into account. When one of these parameters is unknown, no optimization must be done.

Parameter bMaySkipPointsInCalculation
determines whether it is allowed to skip points in the calculation. When this parameter is true it is assumed that the underlying coordinate system is cartesian.
Parameter xScalingX
a scaling that is used for the values in x-direction
Parameter xScalingY
a scaling that is used for the values in y-direction

Returns the value of the correlation coefficient for the given regression. This value is often denoted as r or R.

The value of r is signed. Often r2 is used instead of r to denote a regression curve's accuray.

The return value is the fraction of the variance in the data that is explained by the regression.

Retrieve a string showing the regression curve's function with calculated parameters.
The string returned contains the regression curve's formula in a form
"f(x) = ..."
, where the calculated parts are filled out. For a linear regression you might get
"f(x) = 0.341 x + 1.45"
getFormattedRepresentation( [in] ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier  xNumFmtSupplier,
[in] long  nNumberFormatKey );

Returns a representation using the given numnber format for formatting all numbers contained in the formula.
See also
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