:: com :: sun :: star :: bridge ::

service Bridge
This meta service allows the bridgefactory service to instantiate an interprocess bridge using a certain transfer protocol.

Components, that support a certain protocol, must have at least two service names:

  • com.sun.star.bridge.Bridge
  • arbitrary-module-path.ProtocolnameBridge

The protocol name should be written as common servicenames, first letter is a capital letter, the rest in small letters postfixed by Bridge (e.g.: com.sun.star.bridge.UrpBridge would be correct servicename for the "urp" protocol). However, the protocol names are compared case insensitive. If there exist two services supporting the same protocol, it is arbitrary which one is chosen, so this should be omitted.

Exported Interfaces - Summary

allows to initialize the bridge service with the necessary arguments. The sequence<any> must have 4 members. (details)


The main interface of the service


This interface allows to terminate the interprocess bridge.

Exported Interfaces - Details
allows to initialize the bridge service with the necessary arguments. The sequence<any> must have 4 members.
  1. String: The unique name of the bridge or an empty string
  2. String: The protocol, that shall be instantiated
  3. XConnection: The bidirectional connection, the bridge should work on
  4. XInstanceProvider: The instance provider, that shall be called to access the initial object.
The main interface of the service
This interface allows to terminate the interprocess bridge.

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