:: com :: sun :: star :: awt ::

module grid

DefaultGridColumnModel If you do not want to implement the XGridColumnModel yourself, use this service.
DefaultGridDataModel If you do not want to implement the XGridDataModel yourself, use this service.
GridColumn Represents a column as used by the DefaultGridColumnModel
SortableGridDataModel provides a default implementation of a XSortableGridData.
UnoControlGrid A control that displays a set of tabular data.

The Column Model

UnoControlGridModel specifies the standard model of a UnoControlGrid control.
XGridColumn The XGridColumn defines the properties and behavior of a column in a grid control
XGridColumnListener An instance of this interface is used by the XGridColumnModel to get notifications about column model changes.
XGridColumnModel An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the column structure that is displayed in the actual control. If you do not need your own model implementation, you can also use the DefaultGridColumnModel.
XGridControl An interface to a control that displays a tabular data.
XGridDataListener An instance of this interface is used by the XGridDataModel to get notifications about data model changes.
XGridDataModel An instance of this interface is used by the UnoControlGrid to retrieve the content data that is displayed in the actual control. If you do not need your own model implementation, you can also use the DefaultGridDataModel.
XGridRowSelection This interfaces provides access to the selection of row for UnoControlGrid.
XGridSelectionListener An instance of this interface is used by the XGridRowSelection to get notifications about selection changes.
XMutableGridDataModel allows to modify the data represented by a XGridDataModel
XSortableGridData allows to sort the data represented by a XGridDataModel
XSortableMutableGridDataModel describes a grid control data model whose data can be modified and sorted.
GridColumnEvent An event used by a XGridColumn to notify changes in the column.
GridDataEvent used to notify changes in the data represented by an XMutableGridDataModel.
GridSelectionEvent An event used by a XGridControl to notify changes in its row selection.
GridInvalidDataException Exception is thrown to indicate that set data is invalid, e.g. type of data is unknown or data count doesn't match with column count.
GridInvalidModelException Exception is thrown when data or column model isn't set.
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