:: com :: sun :: star :: animations ::

unpublished interface XAnimateMotion
Base Interfaces
      ┗ ::com::sun::star::container::XChild

(referenced interface's summary:)
Interface for generic animation.
Usage Restrictions
not published
Interface for animation by defining motion on a path.
See also

Attributes' Summary
Path Specifies an optional path.
If a path is used, the From, To and By members are ignored. The value type of the path depends on the used rendering system. Possible types maybe a svg:d path encoded in a string.  
Origin Specifies the origin of motion for the animation. The values and semantics of this attribute are dependent upon the used animation engine.  
Attributes' Details
any Path;
Specifies an optional path.
If a path is used, the From, To and By members are ignored. The value type of the path depends on the used rendering system. Possible types maybe a svg:d path encoded in a string.
any Origin;
Specifies the origin of motion for the animation. The values and semantics of this attribute are dependent upon the used animation engine.
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