:: com :: sun :: star :: animations ::

unpublished struct Event
Usage Restrictions
not published
an event has a source that causes an event to be fired and a trigger that defines under which condition an event should be raised and an offset if the event should be raised a defined amount of time after the event is triggered.

Elements' Summary
Source this is the source for this event.  
Trigger this is the trigger that fires this event.  
Offset an optional offset in seconds or Timing::INDEFINITE. This is the timespan between the triggering of the event and actually raising the event  
Repeat an option repeat value. If the Trigger is EventTrigger, this is the number of repeats after wich the event is initially raised.  
Elements' Details
any Source;
this is the source for this event.
short Trigger;
this is the trigger that fires this event.
any Offset;
an optional offset in seconds or Timing::INDEFINITE. This is the timespan between the triggering of the event and actually raising the event
unsigned short Repeat;
an option repeat value. If the Trigger is EventTrigger, this is the number of repeats after wich the event is initially raised.
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