:: com :: sun :: star :: accessibility ::

interface XAccessibleTextAttributes
Implement this interface to give access to the attributes of a text.
OOo 2.0.4

Methods' Summary
getDefaultAttributes Get the default attribute set for the text.  
getRunAttributes Get the run attribute set for the specified position.  
Methods' Details
sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >
getDefaultAttributes( [in] sequence< string >  RequestedAttributes );

Get the default attribute set for the text.

Returns a set of all default paragraph and default character attributes that are associated for the text. To prevent the method from returning possibly large sets of attributes that the caller is not interested in the caller can provide a list of attributes that he wants to be returned.

Parameter RequestedAttributes
This string sequence defines the set of attributes that the caller is interested in. When there are requested attributes that are not defined for the text then they are ignored.

When the sequence is empty all attributes are returned.

Returns the requested attributes of the text. Each attribute is represented by a ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue object.
sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >
getRunAttributes( [in] long  Index,
[in] sequence< string >  RequestedAttributes )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException );

Get the run attribute set for the specified position.

Returns a set of character attributes that are associated for the character at the given index and are directly set or are set via a character style. To prevent the method from returning all of these attributes the caller can provide a list of attributes that he wants to be returned.

Parameter Index
The index of the character for which to return its attributes. The valid range is 0..length of text-1.
Parameter RequestedAttributes
This string sequence defines the set of attributes that the caller is interested in. When there are requested attributes that are not defined for the text then they are ignored.

When the sequence is empty all attributes are returned.

Returns the requested attributes of the specified character. Each attribute is represented by a ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue object.
::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
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