page break new page Matthias Prem How can a page break be inserted? /* InsertPageBreak.rex */ /* Macro */ /* get the script context, the document service and the XTextDocument */ xScriptContext=uno.getScriptContext() oDoc=xScriptContext~getDocument xTextDoc=oDoc~{%see} /* create the cursor */ xTextCursor=xTextDoc~getText~createTextCursor() xText=xTextDoc~getText() xTextDoc~getText~getEnd~setString("This text is on page number 1.") /* set cursor properties and define BreakType */ xCursorProps=xTextCursor~{%see} xCursorProps~setPropertyValue("BreakType", bsf.getConstant("{%see}", "PAGE_AFTER")) xTextDoc~getText~getEnd~setString("13" ~d2c) /* set text on page 2 */ xTextDoc~getText~getEnd~setString("This text is on page number 2.") ::requires UNO.CLS Initial version