using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; /// Author: Leopoldo Lee Agdeppa III namespace NPanday.ProjectImporter.ImporterTests { [SetUpFixture] public class ProjectImporterTestFixture { #region Properties static string sampleProjectsPath = null; public static string SampleProjectsPath { get { return sampleProjectsPath; } set { sampleProjectsPath = value; } } #endregion [SetUp] public void PrepareProjects() { string baseProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\..\.."); ProjectImporterTestFixture.SampleProjectsPath = Path.Combine(baseProjectPath, @"target\test_sample_projects"); // delete the sample projects from target folder FileUtil.DeleteDirectory(SampleProjectsPath); // copy sample projects from resource FileUtil.CopyDirectory(Path.Combine(baseProjectPath, @"src\test\resource"), SampleProjectsPath); } [TearDown] public void FinalizationProcess() { // just incase we need to finilize after running some tests } } }