How to Use * Generate a class binding/dataset from a schema If you already have a schema, then use the xsd goal by adding its execution in the pom.xml file. The xsdFile should point to the xsd. +----+ 4.0.0 it0006 library 1.0.0 it0006 src/main/csharp src/test/csharp org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins maven-compile-plugin true org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins maven-xsd-plugin xsd StockingHandlers_1_0.xsd +----+ To generate a dataset instead of classes, change the plugin configuation: +----+ [...] org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins maven-xsd-plugin xsd StockingHandlers_1_0.xsd dataset +----+ * Generate a schema from an XML instance and then create a class binding from the generated schema You can also generate the schema from a sample XML file prior to generating the bindings. The xmlFiles tag allows you to specify one or more xml files. +----+ 4.0.0 it0007 library 1.0.0 it0007 src/main/csharp src/test/csharp org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins maven-compile-plugin true org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins maven-xsd-plugin xml xsd ${basedir}/registry-config.xml ${}/generated-resources/registry-config.xsd +----+