Usage * Prerequisites Prior to using the Visual Studio installer plugin, make sure that you have the following installed on your system: [[1]] {{{} JDK 5.0 Update x}} [[2]] Both {{{} Microsoft .NET Framework}} (2.0+) AND {{{} NET Framework 2.0 SDK}}. Note that the 2.0+ framework is required to run NMaven, but you can still target 1.1 for your builds provided that the 1.1 version is also installed. [[3]] {{{} NUnit 2.2+ (only if using unit tests)}}. [[4]] {{{} Maven 2.0.4 or higher}} [[5]] Visual Studio 2005 Standard or higher is needed to use the NMaven Addin (Visual Studio Express Edition will not work) [] For the install only, you will also need to make sure that you have both the SDK and the .NET framework locations within your path. Typical locations include: * install root: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 * SDK root: C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\ * Installing If you have built NMaven locally on your machine, you can just type: +----+ mvn org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins:maven-vsinstaller-plugin:install +----+ If you have not built NMaven locally and are just looking to use the binary distribution, then check out the instructions here: {{{examples/install-from-remote-repo.html} Install From Remote Repo}}