Pre-release checklist

  • Check the build is successful for both NPanday and NPanday-ITs
  • Ensure all issues in the jira for that version have been resolved, or are moved to a later version
  • NPanday staging repo should be re-created before the release to ensure that the repo only contains the artifacts for the said release version.
  • Make sure that the copyright and licenses are on all source code

    To do this, run the following command:

    mvn clean install -Ppre-release

    Ensure that the build is successful before proceeding to the release proper.

Note: (This is needed for the signature of the artifacts to be deployed)

  • The release manager should generate a sign key and register the key at
  • Be sure that the key was already VERIFIED for integrity puposes
  • The following configuration should be added in the settings.xml:

Creating a Release Candidate

Send a proposal in the discussion forum regarding the release and the issues that would be fix in the said release.

The release will be done using the command line.

Steps in releasing NPanday:

  1. Check out the code from
  2. Run the following command:
    mvn release:prepare
  3. Fill in the following values:
    • the release version should be 1.3.1-incubating or similar (use the release version)
    • the SCM tag should be npanday-1.3.1-incubating or similar (use the release version)
    • check the values for the Release version and Next development version are correct
  4. Check if the tag was successfully created in
  5. After successful release:prepare, run the following command:
    mvn release:perform -Pnpanday-release -Dtag=url_tag

Steps in releasing NPanday-ITs

  1. Check out the code from
  2. Run the following command:
    mvn release:prepare
  3. Fill in the following values:
    • the release version should ve 1.3.1-incubating or similar (use the release version)
    • the SCM tag should be npanday-its-1.3.1-incubating or similar (use the release version)
    • check the values for the Release version and Next development version are correct
  4. Check if the tag was successfully created in
  5. After successful release:prepare, run the following command:
    mvn release:perform -Pnpanday-release -Dtag=url_tag

    To verify if the release was successful, check that the artifacts has been populated in

Testing the Release Candidate

Announce the RC and the community will be given a 72hr window to test. If the RC passes, same process would be done for the final version. eg. 1.3.1-incubating.

Voting on the Release

Post the Majority of Vote on the results of the release.

Finalising the Release

After the approval of the developers:

  • Publish the site for the released version
  • Binaries and sources should be copied to //www/
  • Artifacts should be merged and synched to ibiblio by executing the ff command:
    mvn stage:copy -Dsource="" -Dtarget="scp://[APACHE_USERNAME]" 
    -Dversion=1.3.1-incubating -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
  • Send out an announcement of the release to:

Note: If a serious flaw is found in the release, the release version will not be removed in the distribution list but instead a new release (1.3.2-incubating) should be provided.