----- Introduction ----- NPanday WiX Plugin The {{{http://wix.sourceforge.net}Windows Installer XML (WiX)}} is a toolset that builds {{{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Installer}Windows installation packages}} from XML source code. The toolset supports a command line environment that developers may integrate into their build processes to build MSI and MSM setup packages. The NPanday WiX plugin makes it easy to integrate WiX into your NPanday build process. The plugin has been developed and tested with WiX version 3.0.5419.0. It should also work with other versions of WiX, assuming that your .wxs files are compatible with the version of WiX that is available on your PATH. The integration tests for this plugin are based on the excellent tutorial at {{{http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/}http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/}}. * Goals Overview The WiX plugin has several goals: * {{{./candle-mojo.html}candle}} converts a WiX XML (.wxs) file into a WiX Object (.wixobj) file. * {{{./light-mojo.html}light}} converts a WiX Object (.wixobj) file into an installation package (.msi file). * Usage Instructions on how to use the WiX plugin goals: * {{{./usage/index.html}Complete example}} * {{{./usage/candle.html}Create a WiX object file with candle}} * {{{./usage/light.html}Create an installation package (.msi file) with light}}