How to Use

Your project structure should look something like:

 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       `-- csharp
 |           `-- NMaven
 |               `-- Plugins
 |                   `-- Test
 |                       `-- MyMojo.cs
  `-- pom.xml

Now compile and install the module containing your plugin:

 mvn install

Next generate the JavaBinding classes for the .NET Plugin.

 mvn org.apache.maven.dotnet.plugins:maven-mojo-generator-plugin:generate-bindings

Your project structure will now look like this:

 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       |-- csharp
 |       |   `-- NMaven
 |       |       `-- Plugins
 |       |            `-- Test
 |       |                 `-- MyMojo.cs
 |        `-- java
 |           `-- NMaven
 |               `-- Plugins
 |                   `-- Test
 |                     `--
  `-- pom.xml
  `-- pom-java.xml

For more information on how to create plugins in .NET see: .NET Plugins