#region Apache License, Version 2.0 // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Serialization; using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine; using NMaven.Artifact; using NMaven.Solution; using NMaven.Model.Pom; namespace NMaven.Solution.Impl { /// /// Implementation of the IProjectGenerator. /// internal sealed class ProjectGeneratorImpl : IProjectGenerator { /// /// Constructor /// internal ProjectGeneratorImpl() { } public IProjectReference GenerateProjectFor(NMaven.Model.Pom.Model model, DirectoryInfo sourceFileDirectory, String projectFileName, ICollection projectReferences, DirectoryInfo localRepository) { Guid projectGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); if (projectReferences == null) { projectReferences = new List(); } Project project = GetProjectFromPomModel(model, sourceFileDirectory, projectFileName, projectGuid, @"..\..\..\target\bin\Debug\", @"..\..\..\target\obj\", projectReferences, localRepository); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(sourceFileDirectory.FullName + @"\" + projectFileName + ".csproj"); project.Save(fileInfo.FullName); IProjectReference projectReference = Factory.createDefaultProjectReference(); projectReference.CSProjectFile = fileInfo; projectReference.ProjectGuid = projectGuid; projectReference.ProjectName = projectFileName; return projectReference; } public void GenerateSolutionFor(FileInfo fileInfo, ICollection projectReferences) { TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileInfo.FullName, false, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00"); writer.WriteLine("# Visual Studio 2005"); writer.WriteLine("# SharpDevelop"); Guid solutionGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); foreach(IProjectReference projectReference in projectReferences) { writer.Write("Project(\"{"); writer.Write("FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC"); writer.Write("}\") = \""); writer.Write(projectReference.ProjectName); writer.Write("\", \""); writer.Write(projectReference.CSProjectFile.FullName); writer.Write("\", \"{"); writer.Write(projectReference.ProjectGuid.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("}\""); writer.WriteLine("EndProject"); } writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); Console.WriteLine("NMAVEN-000-000: Generate solution file: File Name = " + fileInfo.FullName); } public NMaven.Model.Pom.Model CreatePomModelFor(String fileName) { TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(NMaven.Model.Pom.Model)); return (NMaven.Model.Pom.Model) serializer.Deserialize(reader); } /// /// Returns a project binding (xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003") from the given model /// (pom.xml) file /// /// the model binding for a pom.xml file /// the directory containing the source files /// the name of the assembly: often corresponds to the artifact id from the pom /// the GUID of the project /// directory where the IDE output files are placed /// directory where the IDE output files are placed /// references to other projects that this project is dependent upon /// Returns a project binding for the specified model private Project GetProjectFromPomModel(NMaven.Model.Pom.Model model, DirectoryInfo sourceFileDirectory, String assemblyName, Guid projectGuid, String assemblyOutputPath, String baseIntermediateOutputPath, ICollection projectReferences, DirectoryInfo localRepository) { if(model == null || sourceFileDirectory == null) { throw new ExecutionException("NMAVEN-000-000: Missing required parameter."); } Engine engine = new Engine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + @"\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"); Project project = new Project(engine); Console.WriteLine("ProjectGuid = " + projectGuid.ToString() + ", RootNameSpace = " + model.groupId + ", AssemblyName = " + assemblyName + ", BaseIntPath = " + baseIntermediateOutputPath + ", OutputType = " + GetOutputType(model.packaging) + ", Packaging = " + model.packaging); //Main Properties BuildPropertyGroup groupProject = project.AddNewPropertyGroup(false); groupProject.AddNewProperty("ProjectGuid", "{" + projectGuid.ToString() + "}"); BuildProperty buildProperty = groupProject.AddNewProperty("Configuration", "Debug"); buildProperty.Condition = " '$(Configuration)' == '' "; groupProject.AddNewProperty("RootNameSpace", model.groupId); groupProject.AddNewProperty("AssemblyName", assemblyName); groupProject.AddNewProperty("BaseIntermediateOutputPath", baseIntermediateOutputPath); groupProject.AddNewProperty("OutputType", GetOutputType(model.packaging)); //Debug Properties groupProject = project.AddNewPropertyGroup(false); buildProperty.Condition = " '$(Configuration)' == '' "; groupProject.AddNewProperty( "OutputPath", assemblyOutputPath, false); project.AddNewImport(@"$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.Targets", null); DirectoryInfo configDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\src\main\config"); if(configDirectory.Exists) { BuildItemGroup configGroup = project.AddNewItemGroup(); foreach(FileInfo fileInfo in configDirectory.GetFiles()) { if(fileInfo.Extension.Equals("exe.config")) { configGroup.AddNewItem("None", @"src\main\config\" + fileInfo.Name); } } } AddProjectDependencies(project, model, sourceFileDirectory, localRepository); AddFoldersToProject(project, null, sourceFileDirectory, sourceFileDirectory); AddClassFilesToProject(project, null, sourceFileDirectory, sourceFileDirectory); AddProjectReferences(project, assemblyName, projectReferences); return project; } private void AddProjectReferences(Project project, String projectName, ICollection projectReferences) { BuildItemGroup itemGroup = project.AddNewItemGroup(); foreach(IProjectReference projectReference in projectReferences) { BuildItem buildItem = itemGroup.AddNewItem("ProjectReference", projectReference.CSProjectFile.FullName); buildItem.SetMetadata("Project", "{" + projectReference.ProjectGuid.ToString() + "}"); buildItem.SetMetadata("Name", projectName); } } private void AddFoldersToProject(Project project, BuildItemGroup folderGroup, DirectoryInfo rootDirectory, DirectoryInfo sourceFileDirectory) { DirectoryInfo[] directoryInfos = rootDirectory.GetDirectories(); if(directoryInfos != null && directoryInfos.Length > 0) { if(folderGroup == null) folderGroup = project.AddNewItemGroup(); foreach(DirectoryInfo di in directoryInfos) { if(di.FullName.Contains(".svn") || di.FullName.Contains(@"obj") || di.FullName.Contains(@"bin")) continue; folderGroup.AddNewItem("Folder", di.FullName.Substring(sourceFileDirectory.FullName.Length)); AddFoldersToProject(project, folderGroup, di, sourceFileDirectory); } } } private void AddClassFilesToProject(Project project, BuildItemGroup compileGroup, DirectoryInfo rootDirectory, DirectoryInfo sourceFileDirectory) { DirectoryInfo[] directoryInfos = rootDirectory.GetDirectories(); if(directoryInfos != null && directoryInfos.Length > 0) { if (compileGroup == null) { compileGroup = project.AddNewItemGroup(); } foreach(DirectoryInfo di in directoryInfos) { if (di.FullName.Contains(".svn") || di.FullName.Contains("obj") || di.FullName.Contains("bin")) { continue; } foreach(FileInfo fileInfo in di.GetFiles()) { BuildItem buildItem = compileGroup.AddNewItem("Compile", fileInfo.FullName.Substring(sourceFileDirectory.FullName.Length)); } AddClassFilesToProject(project, compileGroup, di, sourceFileDirectory); } } } private void AddProjectDependencies(Project project, NMaven.Model.Pom.Model model, DirectoryInfo sourceFileDirectory, DirectoryInfo localRepository) { BuildItemGroup group = project.AddNewItemGroup(); group.AddNewItem("Reference", "System.Xml"); if(model.dependencies != null) { ArtifactContext artifactContext = new ArtifactContext(); foreach(Dependency dependency in model.dependencies) { //String artifactExtension = (dependency.type == "module") ? "dll" : GetExtension(dependency.type); NMaven.Artifact.Artifact dependencyArtifact = artifactContext.CreateArtifact(dependency.groupId, dependency.artifactId, dependency.version, dependency.type); String repoPath = PathUtil.GetUserAssemblyCacheFileFor(dependencyArtifact, localRepository).FullName; BuildItem buildItem = group.AddNewItem("Reference", dependency.artifactId); //TODO: Fix this. Just because it is in the GAC on the system that builds the .csproj does not mean //it is in the GAC on another system. if (!dependency.GetType().Equals("gac") && !IsInGac(dependency.artifactId)) { buildItem.SetMetadata("HintPath", repoPath, false); } } } DirectoryInfo[] directoryInfos = sourceFileDirectory.GetDirectories(); ClassParser classParser = new ClassParser(); List fileInfos = new List(); AddFileInfosFromSourceDirectories(sourceFileDirectory, fileInfos); List dependencies = classParser.GetDependencies(fileInfos); foreach(String dependency in dependencies) { try { String assembly = GetAssemblyFor(dependency); if(IsInGac(assembly)) { group.AddNewItem("Reference", assembly); } } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("NMAVEN-000-000: Could not find assembly dependency", e.Message); } } } private bool IsInGac(String assembly) { return new DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + @"\assembly\GAC_MSIL\" + assembly).Exists; } private String GetAssemblyFor(String dependency) { return (dependency.Trim().Equals("System.Resources")) ? "System.Windows.Forms" : dependency; } private void AddFileInfosFromSourceDirectories(DirectoryInfo sourceFileDirectory, List fileInfos ) { DirectoryInfo[] directoryInfos = sourceFileDirectory.GetDirectories(); if(directoryInfos != null && directoryInfos.Length > 0) { foreach(DirectoryInfo di in directoryInfos) { if (di.FullName.Contains(".svn") || di.FullName.Contains("obj") || di.FullName.Contains("bin")) { continue; } fileInfos.AddRange(di.GetFiles()); AddFileInfosFromSourceDirectories(di, fileInfos); } } } private String GetOutputType(String type) { if (type.Equals("library") || type.Equals("netplugin") || type.Equals("visual-studio-addin") || type.Equals("sharp-develop-addin") || type.Equals("nar")) return "Library"; else if (type.Equals("exe")) return "Exe"; else if (type.Equals("winexe")) return "WinExe"; else if (type.Equals("module")) return "Module"; return null; } private String GetExtension(String type) { if (type.Equals("library") || type.Equals("netplugin") ) return "dll"; else if (type.Equals("exe")) return "exe"; else if (type.Equals("winexe")) return "exe"; else if (type.Equals("module")) return "netmodule"; return null; } private class ClassParser { public List GetDependencies(List fileInfos) { List dependencies = new List(); foreach(FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileInfo.FullName)) { String line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith("namespace")) break; if (line.StartsWith("//")) continue; if (line.StartsWith("using")) { String[] tokens = line.Remove(line.Length - 1).Split(new char[1]{' '}); if(!dependencies.Contains(tokens[1])) { dependencies.Add(tokens[1]); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } return dependencies; } } } }