Mesos Research Project

Mesos started as a research project, originally named Nexus, at UC Berkeley in March 2009. The design of Mesos and a description of the original prototype were first published at HotCloud in June 2009. Mesos was open sourced on GitHub in August 2010 and joined the Apache Incubator in January 2011.

Mesos was originally inspired by the rapid explosion in cluster programming frameworks, such as MapReduce, Dryad, Pregel, and Dremel. To let organizations take advantage of these frameworks, it was increasingly necessary to share resources dynamically between them, rather than building dedicated clusters. We quickly expanded the scope of the project to also support running multiple instances of the same framework (e.g. production and experimental instances), long-running services, and web applications. Finally, we sought to enable the development of new frameworks that can coexist with current ones. We designed Spark, an in-memory computing framework for iterative and interactive analytics, to show the benefits of new frameworks.


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