/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; namespace Lucene.Net.Store { ///

Implements {@link LockFactory} using native OS file /// locks. Note that because this LockFactory relies on /// java.nio.* APIs for locking, any problems with those APIs /// will cause locking to fail. Specifically, on certain NFS /// environments the java.nio.* locks will fail (the lock can /// incorrectly be double acquired) whereas {@link /// SimpleFSLockFactory} worked perfectly in those same /// environments. For NFS based access to an index, it's /// recommended that you try {@link SimpleFSLockFactory} /// first and work around the one limitation that a lock file /// could be left when the JVM exits abnormally.

/// ///

The primary benefit of {@link NativeFSLockFactory} is /// that lock files will be properly removed (by the OS) if /// the JVM has an abnormal exit.

/// ///

Note that, unlike {@link SimpleFSLockFactory}, the existence of /// leftover lock files in the filesystem on exiting the JVM /// is fine because the OS will free the locks held against /// these files even though the files still remain.

/// ///

If you suspect that this or any other LockFactory is /// not working properly in your environment, you can easily /// test it by using {@link VerifyingLockFactory}, {@link /// LockVerifyServer} and {@link LockStressTest}.

/// ///

/// /// public class NativeFSLockFactory:FSLockFactory { /// Create a NativeFSLockFactory instance, with null (unset) /// lock directory. When you pass this factory to a {@link FSDirectory} /// subclass, the lock directory is automatically set to the /// directory itsself. Be sure to create one instance for each directory /// your create! /// public NativeFSLockFactory():this((System.IO.DirectoryInfo) null) { } /// Create a NativeFSLockFactory instance, storing lock /// files into the specified lockDirName: /// /// /// where lock files are created. /// public NativeFSLockFactory(System.String lockDirName):this(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(lockDirName)) { } /// Create a NativeFSLockFactory instance, storing lock /// files into the specified lockDir: /// /// /// where lock files are created. /// [System.Obsolete("Use the constructor that takes a DirectoryInfo, this will be removed in the 3.0 release")] public NativeFSLockFactory(System.IO.FileInfo lockDir) : this(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(lockDir.FullName)) { } /// Create a NativeFSLockFactory instance, storing lock /// files into the specified lockDir: /// /// /// where lock files are created. /// public NativeFSLockFactory(System.IO.DirectoryInfo lockDir) { SetLockDir(lockDir); } public override Lock MakeLock(System.String lockName) { lock (this) { if (lockPrefix != null) lockName = lockPrefix + "-" + lockName; return new NativeFSLock(lockDir, lockName); } } public override void ClearLock(System.String lockName) { // Note that this isn't strictly required anymore // because the existence of these files does not mean // they are locked, but, still do this in case people // really want to see the files go away: bool tmpBool; if (System.IO.File.Exists(lockDir.FullName)) tmpBool = true; else tmpBool = System.IO.Directory.Exists(lockDir.FullName); if (tmpBool) { if (lockPrefix != null) { lockName = lockPrefix + "-" + lockName; } System.IO.FileInfo lockFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(lockDir.FullName, lockName)); bool tmpBool2; if (System.IO.File.Exists(lockFile.FullName)) tmpBool2 = true; else tmpBool2 = System.IO.Directory.Exists(lockFile.FullName); bool tmpBool3; if (System.IO.File.Exists(lockFile.FullName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(lockFile.FullName); tmpBool3 = true; } else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(lockFile.FullName)) { System.IO.Directory.Delete(lockFile.FullName); tmpBool3 = true; } else tmpBool3 = false; if (tmpBool2 && !tmpBool3) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Cannot delete " + lockFile); } } } } class NativeFSLock:Lock { private System.IO.FileStream f; private System.IO.FileStream channel; private bool lock_Renamed; private System.IO.FileInfo path; private System.IO.DirectoryInfo lockDir; /* * The javadocs for FileChannel state that you should have * a single instance of a FileChannel (per JVM) for all * locking against a given file. To ensure this, we have * a single (static) HashSet that contains the file paths * of all currently locked locks. This protects against * possible cases where different Directory instances in * one JVM (each with their own NativeFSLockFactory * instance) have set the same lock dir and lock prefix. */ private static Support.Set LOCK_HELD = new Support.Set(); [System.Obsolete("Use the constructor that takes a DirectoryInfo, this will be removed in the 3.0 release")] public NativeFSLock(System.IO.FileInfo lockDir, System.String lockFileName):this(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(lockDir.FullName), lockFileName) { } public NativeFSLock(System.IO.DirectoryInfo lockDir, System.String lockFileName) { this.lockDir = lockDir; path = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(lockDir.FullName, lockFileName)); } private bool LockExists() { lock (this) { return lock_Renamed != false; } } public override bool Obtain() { lock (this) { if (LockExists()) { // Our instance is already locked: return false; } // Ensure that lockDir exists and is a directory. bool tmpBool; if (System.IO.File.Exists(lockDir.FullName)) tmpBool = true; else tmpBool = System.IO.Directory.Exists(lockDir.FullName); if (!tmpBool) { try { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(lockDir.FullName); } catch { throw new System.IO.IOException("Cannot create directory: " + lockDir.FullName); } } else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(lockDir.FullName)) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Found regular file where directory expected: " + lockDir.FullName); } System.String canonicalPath = path.FullName; bool markedHeld = false; try { // Make sure nobody else in-process has this lock held // already, and, mark it held if not: lock (LOCK_HELD) { if (LOCK_HELD.Contains(canonicalPath)) { // Someone else in this JVM already has the lock: return false; } else { // This "reserves" the fact that we are the one // thread trying to obtain this lock, so we own // the only instance of a channel against this // file: LOCK_HELD.Add(canonicalPath); markedHeld = true; } } try { f = new System.IO.FileStream(path.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { // On Windows, we can get intermittent "Access // Denied" here. So, we treat this as failure to // acquire the lock, but, store the reason in case // there is in fact a real error case. failureReason = e; f = null; } if (f != null) { try { channel = f; lock_Renamed = false; try { channel.Lock(0, channel.Length); lock_Renamed = true; } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { // At least on OS X, we will sometimes get an // intermittent "Permission Denied" IOException, // which seems to simply mean "you failed to get // the lock". But other IOExceptions could be // "permanent" (eg, locking is not supported via // the filesystem). So, we record the failure // reason here; the timeout obtain (usually the // one calling us) will use this as "root cause" // if it fails to get the lock. failureReason = e; } finally { if (lock_Renamed == false) { try { channel.Close(); } finally { channel = null; } } } } finally { if (channel == null) { try { f.Close(); } finally { f = null; } } } } } finally { if (markedHeld && !LockExists()) { lock (LOCK_HELD) { if (LOCK_HELD.Contains(canonicalPath)) { LOCK_HELD.Remove(canonicalPath); } } } } return LockExists(); } } public override void Release() { lock (this) { if (LockExists()) { try { channel.Unlock(0, channel.Length); } finally { lock_Renamed = false; try { channel.Close(); } finally { channel = null; try { f.Close(); } finally { f = null; lock (LOCK_HELD) { LOCK_HELD.Remove(path.FullName); } } } } bool tmpBool; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.FullName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path.FullName); tmpBool = true; } else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path.FullName)) { System.IO.Directory.Delete(path.FullName); tmpBool = true; } else tmpBool = false; if (!tmpBool) throw new LockReleaseFailedException("failed to delete " + path); } } } public override bool IsLocked() { lock (this) { // The test for is isLocked is not directly possible with native file locks: // First a shortcut, if a lock reference in this instance is available if (LockExists()) return true; // Look if lock file is present; if not, there can definitely be no lock! bool tmpBool; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.FullName)) tmpBool = true; else tmpBool = System.IO.Directory.Exists(path.FullName); if (!tmpBool) return false; // Try to obtain and release (if was locked) the lock try { bool obtained = Obtain(); if (obtained) Release(); return !obtained; } catch (System.IO.IOException ioe) { return false; } } } public override System.String ToString() { return "NativeFSLock@" + path; } } }