Primary Components

Lokahi is a web-based system comprised of a core set of functionality and a set of modules which can be added or removed as needed. Each module will enable management of an application server or the connection between two application servers.

Primary Components

Lokahi consists of four primary components: GUI, agents, database, and controller. Communications among the components are encrypted and use open web service standards in order to ensure reliability and maintainability.


The GUI is the web-based interface provided to both administrators and application development teams. A view is provided to the development teams to focus on the configuration and status of their web application. Additional views are provided for administrators to focus on configurations and operating processes.


The Agents are elements which are placed on each application server to perform actual operational tasks. Multiple agents run, one for each server.


The database is used for storage and retrieval of all data. Access controls, rules, and application settings are stored and maintained in a structure relational database.


The Controller is the central piece directing interactions among all the components. It is responsible for brokering messages from the console to the appropriate agent.