Parameters: {@link $locationInfo}.

* *

It does not output a complete well-formed XML file. * The output is designed to be included as an external entity in a separate file to form * a correct XML file.

* * Example: * * {@example ../../examples/php/layout_xml.php}
* * {@example ../../examples/resources/}
* * The above would print: * *
* * @version $Revision$ * @package log4php * @subpackage layouts */ class LoggerLayoutXml extends LoggerLayout { const LOG4J_NS_PREFIX ='log4j'; const LOG4J_NS = ''; const LOG4PHP_NS_PREFIX = 'log4php'; const LOG4PHP_NS = ''; const CDATA_START = ''; const CDATA_PSEUDO_END = ']]>'; const CDATA_EMBEDDED_END = ']]>]]>getLog4jNamespace()) { $this->_namespace = self::LOG4J_NS; $this->_namespacePrefix = self::LOG4J_NS_PREFIX; } else { $this->_namespace = self::LOG4PHP_NS; $this->_namespacePrefix = self::LOG4PHP_NS_PREFIX; } } /** * @return string */ public function getHeader() { return "<{$this->_namespacePrefix}:eventSet ". "xmlns:{$this->_namespacePrefix}=\"{$this->_namespace}\" ". "version=\"0.3\" ". "includesLocationInfo=\"".($this->getLocationInfo() ? "true" : "false")."\"". ">\r\n"; } /** * Formats a {@link LoggerLoggingEvent} in conformance with the log4php.dtd. * * @param LoggerLoggingEvent $event * @return string */ public function format(LoggerLoggingEvent $event) { $loggerName = $event->getLoggerName(); $timeStamp = number_format((float)($event->getTimeStamp() * 1000), 0, '', ''); $thread = $event->getThreadName(); $level = $event->getLevel(); $levelStr = $level->toString(); $buf = "<{$this->_namespacePrefix}:event logger=\"{$loggerName}\" level=\"{$levelStr}\" thread=\"{$thread}\" timestamp=\"{$timeStamp}\">".PHP_EOL; $buf .= "<{$this->_namespacePrefix}:message>appendEscapingCDATA($buf, $event->getRenderedMessage()); $buf .= "]]>_namespacePrefix}:message>".PHP_EOL; $ndc = $event->getNDC(); if($ndc != null) { $buf .= "<{$this->_namespacePrefix}:NDC>appendEscapingCDATA($buf, $ndc); $buf .= "]]>_namespacePrefix}:NDC>".PHP_EOL; } if ($this->getLocationInfo()) { $locationInfo = $event->getLocationInformation(); $buf .= "<{$this->_namespacePrefix}:locationInfo ". "class=\"" . $locationInfo->getClassName() . "\" ". "file=\"" . htmlentities($locationInfo->getFileName(), ENT_QUOTES) . "\" ". "line=\"" . $locationInfo->getLineNumber() . "\" ". "method=\"" . $locationInfo->getMethodName() . "\" "; $buf .= "/>".PHP_EOL; } $buf .= "_namespacePrefix}:event>".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; return $buf; } /** * @return string */ public function getFooter() { return "_namespacePrefix}:eventSet>\r\n"; } /** Whether or not file name and line number will be included in the output. * * @return boolean */ public function getLocationInfo() { return $this->locationInfo; } /** * The {@link $locationInfo} option takes a boolean value. By default, * it is set to false which means there will be no location * information output by this layout. If the the option is set to * true, then the file name and line number of the statement at the * origin of the log statement will be output. */ public function setLocationInfo($flag) { $this->locationInfo = LoggerOptionConverter::toBoolean($flag, true); } /** * @return boolean */ public function getLog4jNamespace() { return $this->log4jNamespace; } /** * @param boolean */ public function setLog4jNamespace($flag) { $this->log4jNamespace = LoggerOptionConverter::toBoolean($flag, true); } /** * Ensures that embeded CDEnd strings (]]>) are handled properly * within message, NDC and throwable tag text. * * @param string $buf String holding the XML data to this point. The * initial CDStart () * of the CDATA section are the responsibility of * the calling method. * @param string str The String that is inserted into an existing * CDATA Section within buf. * @static */ private function appendEscapingCDATA(&$buf, $str) { if(empty($str)) { return; } $rStr = str_replace( self::CDATA_END, self::CDATA_EMBEDDED_END, $str ); $buf .= $rStr; } }