The Diagnostic Tooling For Java image factory. Details of how to get hold of and use the ImageFactory for this Kato implementation. A readable description of this Kato implementation. The name of the ImageFactory class. An identifier used to refer to this factory. A set of one or two files which the Image Factory can make a Kato image from. A name for this pair of files. The string is a org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes content-type ID. It describes the file which is the first or only parameter of ImageFactory.getImage(File f) or ImageFactory.getImage(File f1, File f2). See <a href="">'A central content type catalog for Eclipse'</a> for more details. The string is a org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes content-type ID. It describes the file which is the second parameter of ImageFactory.getImage(File f1, File f2). See <a href="">'A central content type catalog for Eclipse'</a> for more details. <code> <pre> String dumpfile, metaFile; File file1 = new File(file); File file2 = new File(metaFile); FileInputStream is1 = null; IContentType ct0; try { is1 = new FileInputStream(file1); ct0 = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypeFor(is1, name); } finally { if (is1 != null) is1.close(); } IExtensionPoint point = reg.getExtensionPoint("org.apache.kato.api","imagefactory"); if (point != null) { for (IExtension ex : point.getExtensions()) { for (IConfigurationElement el: ex.getConfigurationElements()) { if (el.getName().equals("factory")) { ImageFactory fact = (ImageFactory)el.createExecutableExtension("action"); for (IConfigurationElement el2 :el.getChildren()) { if (el2.getName().equals("content-types")) { String extId = el2.getAttribute("dump-type"); String metaId = el2.getAttribute("meta-type"); IContentType cext = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(extId); IContentType cmeta = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(metaId); if (ct0.isKindOf(cext) { Image img = fact.getImage(dump); } } } } } } } </pre> </code> An example of a plug-in using this extension point is as follows: <code> <pre> <plugin> <extension id="myKato1" name="Sample Kato implementation" point="org.apache.kato.api.api"> <factory id="Sample Kato" action="com.usercompany.user.MyKatoImageFactory" label="Sample Kato from text files"> <content-types dump-type="com.usercompany.file1" meta-type="com.usercompany.file2" name="Type 1"> </content-types> </factory> </extension> <extension id="myKato" name="My company Kato types" point="org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes"> <content-type base-type="com.usercompany.base" file-extensions="abc" id="com.usercompany.file1" name="My Kato binary"> <describer class="org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.BinarySignatureDescriber" plugin="org.eclipse.core.runtime"> <parameter name="signature" value="12 34"> </parameter> <parameter name="required" value="true"> </parameter> </describer> </content-type> <content-type base-type="com.usercompany.base.xml" file-extensions="myxml" id="com.usercompany.file2" name="Meta data XML" priority="high"> <describer class="org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber" plugin="org.eclipse.core.runtime"> <parameter name="element" value="myfirstelement"> </parameter> </describer> </content-type> <content-type alias-for="org.apache.kato.base" base-type="org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml" id="com.usercompany.base.xml" name="Base xml"> </content-type> <content-type alias-for="org.apache.kato.base" id="com.usercompany.base.xml" name="Base dump"> </content-type> </extension> </plugin> </pre> </code> Javadoc for Kato is available from the org.apache.kato.api plug-in. See <a href ="">Using Kato</a> for help with using Kato. <p>The action attribute must give the name of a class which implements the <code>org.apache.kato.ImageFactory</code> interface. <p>A useful convention is to make all Kato content-types derived from a place holder type (or types) which is an alias-for <code>org.apache.kato.base</code>. That type is not declared by any implementation, so the content-types will be derived from the whatever the place holder type is itself derived from, for example <code>org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml</code>. If however an application wants to refer to all Kato files then the application can define the <code>org.apache.kato.base</code> type which will then replace the place holder type (or types) which have an alias-for <code>org.apache.kato.base</code>. All the Kato files will then be be a kind of <code>org.apache.kato.base</code>. The API definition is in the org.apache.kato.api plug-in, supplied by Apache. <p> Different implementations of Kato are available as extra plug-ins.