<%@ page import="java.util.*,org.apache.wiki.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.wiki.log.Logger" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.wiki.log.LoggerFactory" %> <%@ page import="java.text.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.wiki.rss.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.wiki.util.*" %> <%@ page import="com.opensymphony.oscache.base.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.wiki.api.WikiPage" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://www.opensymphony.com/oscache" prefix="oscache" %> <%! Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("JSPWiki"); Cache m_cache = new Cache( true, false, false, true, "com.opensymphony.oscache.base.algorithm.LRUCache", 256 ); %> <% WikiEngine wiki = WikiEngine.getInstance( getServletConfig() ); // Create wiki context and check for authorization WikiContext wikiContext = wiki.createContext( request, "rss" ); WikiPage wikipage = wikiContext.getPage(); // Redirect if baseURL not set or RSS generation not on if( wiki.getBaseURL().length() == 0 ) { response.sendError( 500, "The jspwiki.baseURL property has not been defined for this wiki - cannot generate RSS" ); return; } if( wiki.getRSSGenerator() == null ) { response.sendError( 404, "RSS feeds are disabled at administrator request" ); return; } if( wikipage == null || !wiki.pageExists(wikipage.getName()) ) { response.sendError( 404, "No such page "+wikipage.getName() ); return; } WatchDog w = wiki.getCurrentWatchDog(); w.enterState("Generating RSS",60); // Set the mode and type for the feed String mode = request.getParameter("mode"); String type = request.getParameter("type"); if( mode == null || !(mode.equals(RSSGenerator.MODE_BLOG) || mode.equals(RSSGenerator.MODE_WIKI)) ) mode = RSSGenerator.MODE_BLOG; if( type == null || !(type.equals(RSSGenerator.RSS10) || type.equals(RSSGenerator.RSS20) || type.equals(RSSGenerator.ATOM)) ) type = RSSGenerator.RSS20; // Force the TranslatorReader to output absolute URLs // regardless of the current settings. wikiContext.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" ); // Set the content type and include the response content response.setContentType( RSSGenerator.getContentType(type)+"; charset=UTF-8"); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); SimpleDateFormat iso8601fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); Properties properties = wiki.getWikiProperties(); String channelDescription = wiki.getRequiredProperty( properties, RSSGenerator.PROP_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION ); String channelLanguage = wiki.getRequiredProperty( properties, RSSGenerator.PROP_CHANNEL_LANGUAGE ); // // Now, list items. // List changed; if( mode.equals("blog") ) { org.apache.wiki.plugin.WeblogPlugin plug = new org.apache.wiki.plugin.WeblogPlugin(); changed = plug.findBlogEntries(wiki.getPageManager(), wikipage.getName(), new Date(0L), new Date()); } else { changed = wiki.getVersionHistory( wikipage.getName() ); } // // Check if nothing has changed, so we can just return a 304 // boolean hasChanged = false; Date latest = new Date(0); for( Iterator i = changed.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { WikiPage p = (WikiPage) i.next(); if( !HttpUtil.checkFor304( request, p ) ) hasChanged = true; if( p.getLastModified().after( latest ) ) latest = p.getLastModified(); } if( !hasChanged && changed.size() > 0 ) { response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED ); w.exitState(); return; } response.addDateHeader("Last-Modified",latest.getTime()); response.addHeader("ETag", HttpUtil.createETag(wikipage) ); // // Try to get the RSS XML from the cache. We build the hashkey // based on the LastModified-date, so whenever it changes, so does // the hashkey so we don't have to make any special modifications. // // TODO: Figure out if it would be a good idea to use a disk-based // cache here. // String hashKey = wikipage.getName()+";"+mode+";"+type+";"+latest.getTime(); String rss = ""; try { rss = (String)m_cache.getFromCache(hashKey); } catch( NeedsRefreshException e ) { try { rss = wiki.getRSSGenerator().generateFeed( wikiContext, changed, mode, type ); m_cache.putInCache(hashKey,rss); } catch( Exception e1 ) { m_cache.cancelUpdate(hashKey); } } out.println(rss); w.exitState(); %>