Welcome to the stable version of JSPWiki 3.0! This is the first version of JSPWiki which is released completely under the Apache License. This is done as a part of the transition to the Apache Incubation. Please report any issues you can find at http://issues.apache.org/JIRA/ NEW FEATURES ============ * JSPWiki now requires at least JDK 1.5 to run. * Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Russian and Italian localizations added! * Logging by JSPWiki is now done with slf4j, see http://www.slf4j.org for details. You can now decide at runtime which logging implementation you want, just pick the right slf4j implementation and drop it in WEB-INF/lib The default implementation is log4j, so you don't have to switch to anything else unless you have a good reason. The log4j configuration statements have been moved to a separate file log4j.properties, this file should be on your CLASSPATH, by default it is placed in WEB-INF/classes * Plugins New plugins were added: - The PluginIndexPlugin shows you all plugins that are available. - The InterWikiLinksPlugin shows you all defined InterWikiLinks in a customizable manner. The IndexPlugin has a new parameter (showAttachments=true/false), use false if you don't want attachments to show up on the PageIndex page. The IndexPlugin, RecentChangesPlugin and ReferredPagesPlugin are now subclasses of AbstractFilteredPlugin and therefore inheret the parameters exclude and include, so you can now use these filters. The full log of any issues fixed can be found at: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310732&styleName=Html&version=12312864 ==> how to get this to 3.0 ? Please also see http://www.jspwiki.org/wiki/NewIn3.0 UPGRADE NOTES ============= Please see the UPGRADING document in this same directory. EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES ===================== KNOWN PROBLEMS ==============