Apache Isis Codebase Intellectual Property (IP) Clearance Status Description ----------- There are several codebases that are being contributed to make up the initial codebase of Apache Isis, each of which is currently an open source project hosted on SourceForge. They falling into two groups, according to their current owners: 1. The Naked Objects Framework, copyright of Naked Objects Group Ltd. This is a full-stack framework implementing the naked objects architectural pattern (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_objects). This codebase is written in Java, and is built with Maven. The modules that it provides are complete functional modules: a metamodel, a runtime defining APIs for viewers, objectstores and security, some viewer implementations, some objectstore implementations, some security implementations, remoting support, and junit support. All of the above modules reside in framework/trunk. In order to retain history, the proposal for moving code over is to take the SVN dump and load into the ASF SVN. This will also import code in other directories, notably that in incubating/sandboxed code (eg some code providing Eclipse IDE support). This IP clearance note relates only to code within framework/trunk. We will raise a further status note (or amend this one) if we subsequently decide to bring in code from other directories. 2. A group of 6 "sister projects", copyright Dan Haywood. a) "Groovy Objects", providing support for writing naked objects applications using the groovy language. b) "JPA Objects", providing another object store implementation. c) "Restful Objects", providing another viewer implementation. d) "Star Objects", an umbrella for the above sister projects; consisting mainly of a developers' guide and a corporate POM. e) "Tested objects", providing an integration with frameworks that support BDD-style testing. f) "Wicket Objects", providing another viewer implementation. Project Info ------------ The Incubator PMC will be responsible for the code, and will be imported into the incubator/isis project. The officers managing the donations are Dan Haywood and Robert Matthews. Identify the Codebase --------------------- date item ---------- ---- 2010-09-21 If applicable, make sure that any associated name does not already exist and is not already trademarked for an existing software product. STATUS: Done, by Mohammad Nour El-Din. Details: made sure that the requested project name does not already exist and checked www.nameprotect.com to be sure that the name is not already trademarked for an existing software product. 2010-10-07 Identify software (1 of 2). STATUS: Done, by Robert Matthews. See also: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-3039 SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/nakedobjects. This was dumped (rev 14837) from the SourceForge SVN by Robert Matthews and then modified in a local repo in order to change package and class names prior to loading into ASF. A dump of this was made available for import at - http://nakedobjects.org/isis-repo-data.gz - md5sum: bf523e2c03a66bb4468e4b3697443c44. 2010-10-12 Identify software (2 of 2) STATUS: Done, by Dan Haywood. See also: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-3066 This code was modified in-situ to update package names/class names prior to being dumped. 2(a). SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/groovyobjects. A dump of this (rev 20) was made available for import at: - http://nakedobjects.org/groovyobjects.dmp.gz - md5sum: 8dbd11b8c104c202b47ad40fcbaf299f 2(b). SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jpaobjects A dump of this (rev 269) was made available for import at: - http://nakedobjects.org/jpaobjects.dmp.gz - md5sum: 1817da55912dcd1403d60ba10ccf50ed 2(c). SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/restfulobjects A dump of this (rev 153) was made available for import at: - http://nakedobjects.org/restfulobjects.dmp.gz - md5sum: 8274e47a0ae6668ce3fda9c10c3c6ff8 2(d). SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/starobjects A dump of this (rev 15) was made available for import at: - http://nakedobjects.org/starobjects.dmp.gz - md5sum: 332c52f27f4a6689fff769c3912d5a7e 2(e). SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/testedobjects A dump of this (rev 239) was made available for import at: - http://nakedobjects.org/testedobjects.dmp.gz - md5sum: e463089c30e043d55ae4fcf3588f88b4 2(f). SVN source code being donated resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/wicketobjects A dump of this (rev 219) was made available for import at: - http://nakedobjects.org/wicketobjects.dmp.gz - md5sum: c25fd1bee4a8f1836ce8cc278211ed3d Copyright --------- date item ---------- ---- 2010-09-09 Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF been received. It is only necessary to transfer rights for the package, the core code, and any new code produced by the project. STATUS: Done, CCLA sent for (1) by Naked Objects Group Ltd, and acknowledged by Secretary (Craig L Russell). STATUS: Done, ICLA sent for (2) by Dan Haywood, and acknowledged by Secretary (Craig L Russell). In addition: - CCLAs have been signed by all committers, thereby transferring their contributions to ASF, see below - there are four other individuals that have contributed patches to the Naked Objects Framework (1). We have contacted each of these and each has confirmed by email that they grant their IP to Naked Objects Group Ltd, and so is subsumed by the CCLA above. A copy of each mail was cc:ed to isis-dev by way of public record, on 2010-10-11 - http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-isis-dev/201010.mbox/%3C4CB2F487.6070906@gmail.com%3E - http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-isis-dev/201010.mbox/%3C4CB2F4DE.80204@gmail.com%3E - http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-isis-dev/201010.mbox/%3C4CB2F563.6070300@gmail.com%3E - http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-isis-dev/201010.mbox/%3C4CB2F5AC.2050401@gmail.com%3E ??? REVIEW: is this correct, do the CCLAs confer the transfer rights ??? date item ---------- ---- 2010-10-14 Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright. STATUS: Done, for (1). Robert Matthews made the changes prior to upload STATUS: Pending, for (2). Dan Haywood made some changes prior to exporting the dump, but remainder need to be applied once code loaded into initial/contrib. ????? TODO ?????? Identify name recorded for software grant: the name of the grant as record in the grants.txt document so that the grant can be easily identified Verify distribution rights ??????? Corporations and individuals holding existing distribution rights: ------------------------------------------------------------------ * For individuals, use the name as recorded on the committers page ??? REVIEW: not sure which committers page is meant here. Is it http://people.apache.org/? In which case most people haven't yet filled in infomatic, so can't confirm ??? date item ---------- ---- 2010-09-30 Check that all active committers have a signed CLA on record. STATUS: Done: Robert Matthews, Dan Haywood, Alexander Krasnukhin, Kevin Meyer, David Slaughter 2010-10-14 Remind active committers that they are responsible for ensuring that a Corporate CLA is recorded if such is required to authorize their contributions under their individual CLA. STATUS: Not appicable; all committers are private individuals not contributing in the context of a corporation. 2010-10-14 Check and make sure that for all items included with the distribution that is not under the Apache license, we have the right to combine with Apache-licensed code and redistribute. STATUS: Done. All items to be distributed depend only on category-a licenses (http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-a) Additional details: The RestfulObjects codebase is a dependency on a small Javascript file, called XmlHttpRequest.js (at http://code.google.com/p/xmlhttprequest). The website indicates it is licensed under LGPL. We have contacted the author who has confirmed he is willing to dual license under Apache License 2.0. This email has been cc:ed to isis-dev, see http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-isis-dev/201010.mbox/%3C4CB6D187.3020501@gmail.com%3E. 2010-10-14 Check and make sure that all items depended upon by the project is covered by one or more of the following approved licenses: Apache, BSD, Artistic, MIT/X, MIT/W3C, MPL 1.1, or something with essentially the same terms. Status: Done. Details: The following code will not be copied over from contrib/initial to isis/trunk because they have incompatible category-x licenses (http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-x) and will not be "made good": - the BerkeleyDB object store (part of the Naked Objects Framework) because it depends on Berkeley JE, licensed with the SleepyCat license - the FitNesse module (part of TestedObjects) because it depends on FitNesse, licensed under GPL The following code will be copied over from contrib/initial to isis/trunk but will be "made good": - the JPA object store (part of JPAObjects), which currently depends on Hibernate, licensed under LGPL. This will be ported to use Apache OpenJPA prior to the first release. Related VOTEs: -------------- * The VOTE thread accepting the donation may happen either before or after IP clearance. Adoption by lazy concensus is acceptable but not recommended. ???? TODO: what should go here? Should the thread accepting the isis proposal (which mentions these projects) be referenced? http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/201009.mbox/%3C4C85C4FE.4050104@gmail.com%3E ?????