2009-October Imperius Incubator status report Imperius has been incubating since November 2007. Imperius is a rule-based policy evaluation engine based on the CIM-SPL language from Distributed Management Task Force (dtmf.org). In September, CIM-SPL was ratified as a DMTF standard. See http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS98066+14-Sep-2009+BW20090914. In September, Sun made an interim build of Imperius available as part of its Open Solaris effort. The build can be found at http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/en/search.shtml?token=imperius&action=Search In September, IBM made their Policy Management Library based on Imperius available on its alphaWorks site at http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/wpml. There has been some forward progress in the Imperius community in the past 3 months. After discussion, a number of bugs were fixed with an en masse commit. There has also been progress towards an initial release by the community. A release candidate was created. Problems were found with this and are being fixed. In general, communication within the community continues to be limited and sporadic. Things to resolve prior to graduation: * Create an Apache release * Grow the community