PERSONAL IDENTITY PROVIDER - PIP = How To Run View the INSTALL file for more details on installing and running PIP. = General Overview PIP is an open-source identity server that utilizes the OpenID 1.1 and Yadis 1.0 standards to identify and distribute identity resources. Users utilize PIP to manage digital identity information, authenticate themselves for consumer sites, and authorize consumer sites for access to their identity information. There are three main components to PIP: Yadis, OpenID, and Profile Management. These components are explained in more detail below. == Yadis Yadis 1.0 is service discovery system that allows consumer sites to know what services are provided by PIP. It is provided as a service directly by the mongrel server via lib/yadis_handler/lib/yadis_handler.rb. In a Yadis request, the consumer site visits the identity url provided by the user looking for Yadis headers that indicate where the Yadis document resides. These headers are provided at [pip_url]/user/[user_login]/yadis by lib/yadis_handler/lib/yadis_handler.rb and at [user_login].[pip_url] by app/views/account/index.rhtml. The document itself is provided at [pip_url]/user/[user_login]/yadis by yadis_handler.rb. Though a Yadis document may point to many services, the PIP Yadis document points only to the OpenID service provided by PIP. == OpenID OpenID 1.1 allows consumer sites to use identity URLs, provided by PIP, to authenticate users and gain access to identity data stored within the PIP database. Though all OpenID transactions provide authentication of the user, not all require or result in identity information being exchanged. All OpenID functionality in PIP is provided through the ServerController in app/controllers/server_controller.rb. ServerController provides a single point of entry, #index, with which consumer sites can associate with the PIP and to which consumer sites can redirect their users to perform authentication and authorization. Consumer site association provides security against various attacks that can be performed on the OpenID process. User authentication and authorization are the process of the user logging in to PIP to authenticate that they do own the identity url and the process by which the user authorizes that the consumer site may have access to specific pieces of their identity data. Metadata about information shared and consumer sites that have been authorized is stored in the Profile and TrustRequest models. == Profile Management PIP provides a single location at which a user may maintain his online identity. This service is provided by PropertyTypesController in conjunction with the PropertyType and Property models. Users have one Property, which contains the identity information, per PropertyType, which contains meta-information about the Property. Users have a default set of PropertyTypes referred to as global property types that they may not remove. In addition, they may create new PropertyTypes over which they have full control. Currently, there are only eight property types that are used in OpenID transactions. These are specified by User::OPEN_ID_MAPPINGS. == Further Reading For further insight into the behavior of the system, read the rDoc html files for the classes mentioned above. The rDocs can be found in doc/app/index.html. = Requirements Mongrel Web Server - JanRain ruby-openid and ruby-yadis gems - MySQL or other database server