/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Apache HCatalog Change Log Release 0.2.0 - Sept-2011 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES HCAT-63. RPM package integration with Hadoop (khorgath via hashutosh) HCAT-42. Storing across partitions(Dynamic Partitioning) from HCatStorer/HCatOutputFormat (khorgath) HCAT-46. Send a message on a message bus when a partition is marked done (hashutosh via macyang) HCAT-3. Send a message on a message bus when events occur in Metastore (hashutosh) HCAT-16. Add InputFormat/OutputFormat for handling exported tables/partitions. (Krishna Kumar via macyang) IMPROVEMENTS HCAT-158. Update HAR support to work with Hadoop 205 (thw via hashutosh) HCAT-153. More comprehensive documentation for notification HCAT-99. HCatalog V2 Docs (chandec via hashutosh) HCAT-94. Handle the job tracker tokens properly in har jobs (khorgath via hashutosh) HCAT-43. hcat.sh does not pick up hcatalog.jar correctly (macyang via hashutosh) HCAT-91. hcat client not setting the config properly (hashutosh) HCAT-66. HCatalog 0.2.0 Documentation (chandec via hashutosh) HCAT-54. Javadoc is not being built as part of HCatalog docs (hashutosh) HCAT-35. HCatalog fails to compile with Pig 0.9 (hashutosh) HCAT-47. Topic prefix for the message bus should be configurable (hashutosh) HCAT-39. Lazily create connection for Message bus (hashutosh) HCAT-44. Add a releaseaudit target to build.xml (gates) HCAT-40. Remove dependencies from the HCatalog client jar (macyang) HCAT-37. Misc. build.xml changes (macyang via hashutosh) HCAT-27. Start and stop scripts for the server (gates) HCAT-21. Install documenation and script (gates) HCAT-34. Add ant target for server side classes (hashutosh) HCAT-33. minor changes to the test target in build.xml (macyang via hashutosh) HCAT-30. Need changes.txt (Jakob Homan via hashutosh) HCAT-19. Enable and add decorators for the export/import cli commands for authorization and permission setting. (Krishna Kumar via macyang) HCAT-18. Refactor TestRCFileInputStorageDriver. (Jakob Homan via hashutosh) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES HCAT-199. HCatOutputCommitter::cleanupJob() fails : Unable to connect to metastore. (mithun via khorgath) HCAT-136. Pig storer for export/import does maintain partition order (Krishna Kumar via hashutosh) HCAT-150. Updated documentation specifying the need to call HCatOutputFormat.setSchema() (chandec via toffer) HCAT-107. Better documentation for "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir" config (chandec via toffer) HCAT-148. Meaningful error message on failure to resolve topic name for partition event (thw via hashutosh) HCAT-103. Update documentation after rpm changes per HCATALOG-63 (khorgath via hashutosh) HCAT-113. rpm name not properly reflecting the version number (gates via hashutosh) HCAT-84. Incorrect or missing SVN property settings (sebb via hashutosh) HCAT-112. install scripts assumes bash shell but don't set it explictly (hashutosh) HCAT-111. Issues with install instructions and release notes in release candidate (gates via hashutosh) HCAT-110. Fix source target (khorgath via hashutosh) HCAT-78. Update notice.txt and headers and add Disclaimer.txt (hashutosh and gates via gates) HCAT-77. building javadocs has a couple of warnings from faulty param names (khorgath via gates) HCAT-53. HCatLoader, HCatStorer, HCatInputFormat, and HCatOutputFormat assume Hadoop running in secure mode (hashutosh via gates) HCAT-57. Remove usage of deprecated methods (hashutosh) HCAT-59. Assimilate new changes in listener interface (hashutosh) HCAT-55. HCatalog distribution missing a few required jars (gates) HCAT-52. No message is sent on message bus in case partition keys are uppercase (hashutosh) HCAT-45. HCatalog release tar ball source code has problems (gates) HCAT-41. Changes to hcat.sh in HCATALOG-20 broke the -e option (gates) HCAT-12. Get trunk to build. (hashutosh) HCAT-17. Shouldn't be able to add an HCatFieldSchema with the same name as existing field. (Jakob Homan via gates) HCAT-28. Trunk test not compiling: Upstream Hive changes broke TestPermsGrp. (Jakob Homan via hashutosh) HCAT-15. Replace all occurrences of 'howl' with hcat/hcatalog. (Jakob Homan via macyang) Release 0.1 - Unreleased INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES HCAT-1. Upload initial code to HCatalog (gates) HCAT-4. Get the build working for HCatalog. (gates) HCAT-9. Get a beginning HCatalog website up. (gates) IMPROVEMENTS HCAT-29. Remove Yahoo copyright from documentation (Jakob Homan via hashutosh) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES HCAT-7. Ivy fetch of CDH Hadoop versions does not work properly. (gates) HCAT-6. Unit test TestPermsInheritance fails. (hashutosh)