Hama Change Log Trunk (unreleased changes) NEW FEATURES HAMA-209: Add example for Cosine Similarity Matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-195: Interface of the bsp (hyunsik via edwardyoon) HAMA-185: Finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the symmetric matrix A (samuel) HAMA-171: Find the maximum absolute row sum using MapReduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-174: Compute the transpose of a matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-162: Add Graph using Sparse Matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-151: Add multiplication example of file matrices (edwardyoon) HAMA-145: Add privacy policy page (edwardyoon) HAMA-83: 2D sqaure blocking for dense matrix multiplication (edwardyoon) HAMA-104: Add getNumMap/reduceTasks to HamaConfiguration (edwardyoon) HAMA-92: Add subMatrix() to Matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-84: Add a writable comparable for BlockID (edwardyoon) HAMA-81: Add subVector(int i0, int i1) to Vector (edwardyoon) Hama-80: Add identity(int m, int n) which returns identity matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-62: Hama Shell Implementation (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-61: Load / save matrices from HTable (edwardyoon) HAMA-51: Add get/setRowAttribute() method (edwardyoon) HAMA-13: Matrix multiplication (edwardyoon) HAMA-48: Add getColumn(int column) method which returns column vector (edwardyoon) HAMA-49: Add iterator() method to vector (edwardyoon) HAMA-43: Color Hama Logo (Morakot via chanwit) HAMA-37: Add forrest build to Hudson patch build script (edwardyoon) HAMA-34: Hudson/Jira Intergration (edwardyoon) HAMA-36: Add svn information to website (edwardyoon) HAMA-33: Add set() method (edwardyoon) HAMA-30: Add scaling method to Vector (edwardyoon) HAMA-25: Add matrix addition example (edwardyoon) HAMA-23: Add Hama configuration files (edwardyoon) HAMA-6: Add a 'who we are' page (edwardyoon) HAMA-7: Add some information for a new comer (edwardyoon) HAMA-1: Create the Hama web site (edwardyoon via Ian Holsman) HAMA-2: The intial donation of Hama from the google project (edwardyoon) IMPROVEMENTS HAMA-226: Add benchmarking tool of eigenvalue operation (edwardyoon) HAMA-223: Add simple admin tool for manage the temporary tables (edwardyoon) HAMA-202: Replacement for deprecated API of Map/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-206: Replacement of JacobiEigenValueMap/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-217: Replacement of Block Multiplication Map/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-205: Replacement of NormMap/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-207: Replacement of Mat-Mat addition Map/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-208: Replacement of vector-matrix multiplication Map/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-216: Removing JobManager in util package (edwardyoon) HAMA-215: Removing hama shell from version 0.2 (edwardyoon) HAMA-204: Replacement of TransposeMap/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-213: Replacement of TableReadMapper (edwardyoon) HAMA-203: Replacement of RandomMatrixMap/Reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-197: Replacement for deprecated API of Hbase (edwardyoon) HAMA-188: Upgrade dependencies for hadoop/hbase 2.0 (edwardyoon) HAMA-192: Refactor top-level package (edwardyoon) HAMA-189: Update website (edwardyoon) HAMA-187: Add matrix subtraction test case (edwardyoon) HAMA-186: Add density option for random matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-171: Implementation of Matrix.Norm (samuel) HAMA-178: Add example of norm (edwardyoon) HAMA-158: Implementation of random sparse matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-164: Example for C = Alpha*B + A (edwardyoon) HAMA-154: Combine multi-mapreduce jobs into a single mapreduce job while computing (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-152: Replace MapWritable to hadoop.io.MapWritable (edwardyoon) HAMA-109: Implement add(double alpha, Matrix B) (edwardyoon) HAMA-150: Refactor blockingMapRed (edwardyoon) HAMA-148: Implement of set(double alpha, Matrix B) (edwardyoon) HAMA-100: Implement of set(Matrix B) (edwardyoon) HAMA-144: GetProgress during MR over a matrix (samuel) HAMA-129: Improving speed of matrix multiplication (edwardyoon) HAMA-142: Trunk doesn't work for large matrices (edwardyoon) HAMA-143: Improve of random_mapred() (edwardyoon) HAMA-138: To order, left pad with zeroes to integer key (edwardyoon) HAMA-135, HAMA-137: Refactor mapred, I/O package (edwardyoon) HAMA-134: We don't need to fill C with zeros (edwardyoon) HAMA-131: Add argument for the number of blocks (edwardyoon) HAMA-113: Random matrix generator on map/reduce (edwardyoon) HAMA-118: Add getting started page link (edwardyoon) HAMA-117: Move bytesToSubMatrix/subMatrixToBytes method to submatrix class from BytesUtil (edwardyoon) HAMA-114: Remove unwanted code (edwardyoon) HAMA-107: Blocking job should be a map/reduce job (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-99: Implement setColumn(int column, Vector vector) (edwardyoon) HAMA-108: Implement add(int i, int j, double value) (edwardyoon) HAMA-103: Reduce an rows of intermediate to improve the multiplication performance (edwardyoon) HAMA-88: DenseMatrix.close should not delete the table that are aliased in HamaAdmin. (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-89: Exception Handling of a ParseException (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-77: clear the matrices in hbase after quiting the shell (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-28: Implement Vector.add() method (edwardyoon) HAMA-78: Separate Interface and Implementation for HamaAdmin (edwardyoon) HAMA-76: Remove load() since it duplicated with constructor (edwardyoon) HAMA-74: set the number of map/reduce task on the shell (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-73: Add setNumMap/ReduceTasks() to HamaConfiguration (edwardyoon) HAMA-60: Add an arguments for handle parallel degree to MatrixAddition (edwardyoon) HAMA-68: Shell parser JUnit test cases (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-65: Remove the information of an inactive committers (edwardyoon) HAMA-58: Remove duplicated code (edwardyoon) HAMA-56: Add setRow(int row, Vector vector) method to matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-39: IO operations should throws an IOException (edwardyoon) HAMA-52: Fixture setup (edwardyoon) HAMA-42: Replace ImmutableBytesWritable to IntWritable (edwardyoon) HAMA-44: Remove findbugs warnings (edwardyoon) HAMA-40: Rename MatrixInterface to Matrix (edwardyoon) HAMA-14: Using Java 6 (edwardyoon) HAMA-22: Add IRC channel information to website (edwardyoon) HAMA-41: Add some tests (edwardyoon) HAMA-38: Remove AbstractBase and make a new NumericUtil (edwardyoon) HAMA-20: Adding license header to a whole code base HAMA-31: Refactor VectorWritable (edwardyoon) HAMA-29: Replace Matrix(Conf, Text) to Matrix(Conf, String) (edwardyoon) HAMA-27: Replace table.get(Text, Text) to table.get(String, String) (edwardyoon) HAMA-12: Matrix interface re-arrangement (edwardyoon) HAMA-21: Implement get(int index) method (edwardyoon) HAMA-19: Remove vector-norms enum to interface from implementation (edwardyoon) HAMA-17: Vector to Writable conversion (edwardyoon) HAMA-15: Logo Alignment (edwardyoon) HAMA-10: Refactor the mapred package for the latest version of dependencies (edwardyoon) HAMA-9: Upgrade dependencies (edwardyoon) BUG FIXES HAMA-225: Jacobi iteration is in a infinite loop (edwardyoon) HAMA-214: Can't run the examples (edwardyoon) HAMA-190: Bug in Matrix-Vector multiplication (edwardyoon) HAMA-183: When we construct the matrix, dimensions should be defined. (edwardyoon) HAMA-172: Vector.add(Vector v) throw the Index out of bounds exception when they are different (edwardyoon) HAMA-169: Vector's first location bug fixed, getNormInf() and getNorm2Robust() are implemented (edwardyoon) HAMA-155: When out of index, should throw exception (edwardyoon) HAMA-147: Fix typos (edwardyoon) HAMA-140: In subMatrix(), Scanner should be closed (edwardyoon) HAMA-120: remove findbugs warning in shell package (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-130: Computing Block's range will miss some cell during blocking (samuel) HAMA-126: In random_mapred, (m) should be (m-1) since start from 0. (edwardyoon) HAMA-116: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at BlockingMapRed (samuel) HAMA-112: DenseMatrix.get(i, j) should returns zero when entry is null (edwardyoon) HAMA-106: SubMatrix should be able to get row, column size (edwardyoon) HAMA-98: change '~=' operation to use `echo $f | grep 'examples$'` (samuel via edwardyoon) HAMA-64: Bytes and Double convert (edwardyoon) HAMA-55: Write dimension attributes when job completed (edwardyoon) HAMA-54: Split doesn't split by map task num (edwardyoon) HAMA-53: NullPointerException on distributed cluster (edwardyoon) HAMA-26: hama-formatter.xml should be removed (edwardyoon) HAMA-25: Vector.get() returns double (edwardyoon)