Steps to follow in preparation for a release of InstallApacheFlex 1. Check out the code from 2.a. If it is a major release, - bump up the "release.version" property in the file - reset the build.number property in the build.number file to 0 2.b. If it is a minor release, run: ant update-version 3. Open and update the following: - Modify the KEYSTORE_DIR and CERT_PASSWORD_DIR variables with the correct directory paths (You need to obtain the installapacheflex_self.p12 file and its password from the previous release manager for InstallApacheFlex) 4. Run: ant release This step - downloads all the necessary files, - updates the version numbers in InstallApacheFlex-app.xml and sdk-installer-config.xml - creates the .exe or .dmg file depending on the OS you are working on - creates the source release files as a .zip file and a tar.gz file 5. Run: cd release gpg --armor --output apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-bin.exe.asc --detach-sig apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-bin.exe gpg --armor --output apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-src.tar.gz gpg --armor --output --detach-sig This step creates the release artifacts InstallApacheFlex.exe.asc, apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc and 6. Run: gpg --print-md MD5 apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-bin.exe > apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-bin.exe.md5 gpg --print-md MD5 apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-flex-sdk-installer-1.0.6-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5 gpg --print-md MD5 > 7. In the /installer directory, run: ant rat-report This step creates the file. Inspect the report to make sure there are no violations. 8. Upload all the files under the /release directory to the release manager's personal space at before calling a VOTE.