------ Features ------ ------ 2011-02-09 ------ Feature list * <> Completely controlled by its default.properties which can be easily be overridden by creating a file build.properties and overriding the default properties that are needed. * <> The architecture is that a robot (e.g. HelloCrawler controls various worker (threads) that are doing the actual work. * <> By default droids honors the robot.txt. However you can turn on the hostile mode of a droid (droids.protocol.http.force=true). * <> You can configure the amount of concurrent threads that a droid can distribute to their workers (droids.maxThreads=5) and the delay time between the requests (droids.delay.request=500). You can use one of the different delay components: * <> The properties mentioned above get picked up by the build process which inject them in the spring configuration. * <> The spring configuration makes usage of the cocoon-configurator and its dynamic registry support (making extending droids a pleasure).