5.2. Packages and Classes

An excellent way to design your project package structure is the classify packages initially by technology. So in a Click application all of our pages would be contained under a page package. This also works very well with the Page automapping feature.

All the projects domain entity classes would be contained under a entity package, and service classes would be contained under a service directory. Note alternative names for the entity package include domain or model. We also typically have a util package for any stray classes which don't quite fit into the other packages.

In Java, package names are singular by convention, so we have a util package rather than a utils package.

An example project structure for a MyCorp web application is illustrated below:

Example project structure

Figure 5.1. Example project structure

In this example application we use declarative role and path based security. All the pages in the admin package and directory require the "admin" role to be access, while all the pages in the user package and directory require the "user" role to be accessed.

5.2.1. Page Classes

A best practice when developing application Page classes is to place common methods in a base page class. This is typically used for providing access methods to application services and logger objects.

For example the BasePage below provides access to Spring configured service objects and a Log4J logger object:

public class BasePage extends Page implements ApplicationContextAware {

    /** The Spring application context. */
    protected ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    /** The page Logger instance. */
    protected Logger logger;

     * Return the Spring configured Customer service.
     * @return the Spring configured Customer service
    public CustomerService getCustomerService() {
        return (CustomerService) getBean("customerService");

     * Return the Spring configured User service.
     * @return the Spring configured User service
    public UserService getUserService() {
        return (UserService) getBean("userService");

     * Return the page Logger instance.
     * @return the page Logger instance
    public Logger getLogger() {
        if (logger == null) {
            logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
        return logger;

     * @see ApplicationContextAware#setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext)
    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)  {
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

     * Return the configured Spring Bean for the given name.
     * @param beanName the configured name of the Java Bean
     * @return the configured Spring Bean for the given name
    public Object getBean(String beanName) {
        return applicationContext.getBean(beanName);


Applications typically use a border template and have a BorderPage which extends BasePage and defines the template. For example:

public class BorderPage extends BasePage {

    /** The root Menu item. */
    public Menu rootMenu = new Menu();

     * @see Page#getTemplate()
    public String getTemplate() {
        return "/border-template.htm";

Most application pages subclass BorderPage, except AJAX pages which have no need for a HTML border template and typically extend BasePage. The BorderPage class should not include common logic, other than that required for rendering the border template. Common page logic should be defined in the BasePage class.

To prevent these base Page classes being auto mapped, and becoming directly acessible web pages, ensure that there are no page templates which could match their class name. For example the BorderPage class above will not be auto mapped to border-template.htm.