Chapter 2. Pages

2.1. Classes
2.2. Execution
2.3. Request Parameter Auto Binding
2.3.1. Customizing Auto Binding
2.4. Security
2.4.1. Application Authentication
2.4.2. Container Authentication
2.4.3. Container Access Control
2.4.4. Logging Out
2.5. Page Navigation
2.5.1. Forward Forward Parameter Passing Page Forwarding
2.5.2. Template Path
2.5.3. Redirect Redirect Parameter Passing Post Redirect
2.6. Page Templating
2.7. Direct Rendering
2.8. Stateful Pages
2.8.1. Page Creation
2.8.2. Page Execution
2.8.3. Page Destruction
2.9. Error Handling
2.10. Page Not Found
2.11. Page Message Properties
2.12. Page HEAD Elements

Pages are the heart of web applications. In Click, Pages encapsulate the processing of HTML requests and the rendering of HTML responses. This chapter discusses Click pages in detail.

In Click, a logical page is composed of a Java class and a Velocity template, with these components being defined in page elements of the click.xml file:

<page path="search.htm" classname=""/>

The path attribute specifies the location of the page Velocity template, and the classname attribute specifies the page Java class name. If you use the Freemarker template engine instead of Velocity, the setup is the same.

The template path must have an .htm extension which is specified in web.xml to route *.htm requests to the ClickServlet. Please note that currently Click only accepts .htm requests, and cannot be mapped to a different extension in web.xml.

If you use JSP pages for rendering the .jsp extension must be used. For example:

<page path="search.jsp" classname=""/>

At runtime Click automatically converts the page path from .jsp to .htm and back, so there is no need to map the .jsp extension in web.xml.

2.1. Classes

All custom Click pages must subclass the Page base class. The Page class and its associated companion classes, Context and Control, are depicted in the figure below.

Page Class Diagram

Figure 2.1. Page Class Diagram

The Page class provides a model attribute which is used to hold all the objects that are rendered in the page's Velocity template. The model may also contain Control objects, which provide user interface controls on the Page.

Pages also have an associated Context object which references all the javax.servlet objects associated with the request. When programming in Click you use the Context object to access HttpServletRequest attributes, parameters and the HttpSession object.