1.7. Advanced Form Example

The AdvancedForm page below provides a more advanced demonstration of using Form, Field and FielsSet controls.

First we have an AdvancedForm class which setups up a Form in its constructor. The form's investment Select list is populated in the page's onInit() method. At this point any page dependencies such as the CustomerService should be available.

Note in this example the page's public form field is automatically added to its list of controls. The msg field is added to the page's model.

public class AdvancedForm extends Page {

    @Bindable public Form form = new Form();
    @Bindable public String msg;

    private Select investmentSelect = new Select("investment");

    // -------------------------------------------------------- Constructor

    public AdvancedForm() {
        FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet("Customer");

        TextField nameField = new TextField("name", true);

        fieldSet.add(new EmailField("email", true));


        fieldSet.add(new DateField("dateJoined", true));
        fieldSet.add(new Checkbox("active"));

        form.add(new Submit("ok", " OK ", this, "onOkClicked"));
        form.add(new Submit("cancel", this, "onCancelClicked"));

    // ----------------------------------------------------- Event Handlers

     * @see Page#onInit()
    public void onInit() {
        CustomerService customerService = getCustomerService();

     * Handle the OK button click event.
     * @return true
    public boolean onOkClicked() {
        if (form.isValid()) {
            Customer customer = new Customer();



            msg = "A new customer record has been created.";
        return true;

     * Handle the Cancel button click event.
     * @return false
    public boolean onCancelClicked() {
        return false;

Next we have the AdvancedForm template advanced-form.htm. The Click application automatically associates the advanced-form.htm template with the AdvancedForm class.


    #if ($msg)
      <div id="msgDiv"> $msg </div>




When the AdvancedForm page is first requested the $form object will automatically render itself as:

Advanced Form

Figure 1.7. Advanced Form

In this example when the OK button is clicked the onOkClicked() method is invoked. If the form is valid a new customer object is created and the forms field values are copied to the new object using the Form copyTo() method. The customer object is then saved, the form's field values are cleared and an info message is presented to the user.

If the user clicks on the Cancel button the request is redirected to the applications HomePage.

1.7.1. Form Layout

In the example above the Form control automatically renders the form and the fields HTML markup. This is a great feature for quickly building screens, and the form control provides a number of layout options. See the Click Examples for an interactive Form Properties demo.

For fine grained page design you can specifically layout form and fields in your page template. See the Template Layout section and Form Javadoc for more details.

An alternative to page template design is using a programmatic approach. See Programmatic Layout for more details.